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Beer of the Day - BOTD - 2013

A few beers during a quick trip to New York, got to try a few new NY brews:
Night 1 - Sixpoint 'Bengali Tiger'
Day/Night 2 - Elysian 'Loser Pale Ale', Sixpoint 'Sweet Action', Greenpoint Harbor 'Black Duck Porter', Rockaway Brewing Co. 'Old School IPA'
Day 3 - Sixpoint 'Brownstone'
Had Uinta Double IPA last night. A unique take on DIPAs. Very good. Also had some Goose Island IPA at the Dallas Stars game.

$Los Angeles-20131107-00886.jpgBlue Moon Proximity, from their 'Vintage Ale Colle​ction.'
Apparently they mix in juice from sauvignon blanc grapes for this, which definitely comes through. This drinks almost like a light cider, very grapey and has some effervescence. Says its 8.5% but doesn't feel like it. An interesting beer but I'm not sure it's worth going out of your way to find (I grabbed it at a local liquor store marked down to $5 from $9 or 10)
Wait a minute .... am I the only one on the entire forum who drinks Detmolder beer? (or at least the only one posting about it?)

You're missing out on a great German brewery then, IMHO.
Left Hand Milk Stout Nitro. I'll not be buying another six of this, it is bland and too sweet for me.

You might want to steer clear of anything that says "Milk Stout" if you don't like a little sweet in your beer. It typically means they have used some milk sugar (Lactose) which is non-ferment able and only adds sweetness.
You might want to steer clear of anything that says "Milk Stout" if you don't like a little sweet in your beer. It typically means they have used some milk sugar (Lactose) which is non-ferment able and only adds sweetness.

Yep. I'd never had a milk stout before, knew it was gonna be on the sweetish side but I still expected some of the coffee / toasty taste that I think of when I drink a stout. Live and learn.
I'm not a huge fan of milk stouts either. There are better examples, but they're all pretty simple in flavor. Lakewood's The Temptress is an imperial milk stout that has tons of that roasted flavor to balance out some of the sweetness. Southern Tier 2X Stout and Creme Brulee (very sweet though) are other fine examples of the style.
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