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bathroom etiquette

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i've come to the conclusion that I work amongst some of the most disgusting people ever to grace this planet. Not only do these people lack basic courtesy and manners but they also have absolutely no consideration for those they work with.

for example:

when using the bathroom thou

- shalt not leave a half flushed turd in the toilet for the next person to discover

- shalt use air freshener and turn on the fan if you're going to drop off lastnight's dinner

- shalt not urinate on the toilet seat or the floor. If you do, then at least have the courtesy to clean up after yourself. This is what separates humans from barn animals

Do any of you experience this level of filth where you work? Sorry to sound so gross about it, but when it comes to a sanitary work environment i'm a little touchy.
I typically don't see it to such an extreme but I have discovered the "unflushable" before. It's always so much worse when it isn't covered by water and has been sitting exposed to air for some time.
i work overnights at a walmart. the things we see in our bathrooms is disturbing and the worst part is the womens bathrooms are the worst of all
I go to the bathroom several times throughout the day at work due to the abundance of free coffee, hot chocolate, and soda at my office.

I've experienced all you've stated, but since we all go to the bathroom so frequently and there is only one men's restroom per floor and most of the company is men, I've actually started compiling a mental list of men in the office who do not wash their hands after their business and an alternate list of men who only rinse and use no soap. You can make the case that urine is clean and sterile all day long but that doesn't mean your junk is.

My freshman year of high school (at an all boys school), the first day of class, our geography teacher made us all get up and follow him to the men's room down the hall. Here he instructed us all on washing our hands after going to the bathroom and how to use the towel to open the door and throw it in the trashcan near by the door. He then made every single one of us wash our hands and use a clean towel to open the door and throw it away while we held the door open with our foot or while the door was still open.
i've come to the conclusion that I work amongst some of the most disgusting people ever to grace this planet. Not only do these people lack basic courtesy and manners but they also have absolutely no consideration for those they work with.

for example:

when using the bathroom thou

- shalt not leave a half flushed turd in the toilet for the next person to discover

- shalt use air freshener and turn on the fan if you're going to drop off lastnight's dinner

- shalt not urinate on the toilet seat or the floor. If you do, then at least have the courtesy to clean up after yourself. This is what separates humans from barn animals

Do any of you experience this level of filth where you work? Sorry to sound so gross about it, but when it comes to a sanitary work environment i'm a little touchy.

- Do not blow your nose in the sink, and if you do RINSE IT OUT when you are done

- Do not leave a freshly picked sclupture on the back of the stall door

Good rule of thumb: If you would not do it in your home bathroom, don't do it in the work bathroom!
i work overnights at a walmart. the things we see in our bathrooms is disturbing and the worst part is the womens bathrooms are the worst of all

One of my first jobs was a night janitor cleaning offices in my hometown.

I am convinced that the reason there are flowers, sofas, etc in the ladies rooms is to distract from the carnage that is lurking in the stalls.
I work in the IT department at a College. I won't even begin to tell you of the horrors that I've seen in the washroom at work. We don't have staff only washrooms.
Students are disgustingly messy.
Don't use your cell phone in the can. I don't want to hear your conversation in the next stall while I'm trying to read the paper.
I go to the bathroom several times throughout the day at work due to the abundance of free coffee, hot chocolate, and soda at my office.

I've experienced all you've stated, but since we all go to the bathroom so frequently and there is only one men's restroom per floor and most of the company is men, I've actually started compiling a mental list of men in the office who do not wash their hands after their business and an alternate list of men who only rinse and use no soap. You can make the case that urine is clean and sterile all day long but that doesn't mean your junk is.

My freshman year of high school (at an all boys school), the first day of class, our geography teacher made us all get up and follow him to the men's room down the hall. Here he instructed us all on washing our hands after going to the bathroom and how to use the towel to open the door and throw it in the trashcan near by the door. He then made every single one of us wash our hands and use a clean towel to open the door and throw it away while we held the door open with our foot or while the door was still open.


This, most of all. It is simply amazing the number of people who do not wash their hands with soap and water after doing their business. Seems like I notice it more and more over the years. I also make a mental list and keep in in mind; especially during the holidays when food is brought in for company parties.

Good idea on using the paper towel to open the door. One of my high school teachers taught us that as well.


You can make the case that urine is clean and sterile all day long but that doesn't mean your junk is.

Did a Sunday school teacher tell you that your junk was dirty? :lol:

I'm kidding but really I think this is a mental hangup more than anything else.

I have to figure that most people in America take a shower every day.

Why do I want to touch a filthy faucet and soap dispenser, and then with my "clean" hands, touch a dirty door on the way out of a restroom? Most janitors only half clean these restrooms.

Washing your hands in public restooms does very little to improve hygiene in my opinion.

Better to keep hand sanitizer at your desk, not necessarily to protect yourself from yourself but to protect yourself from others who may be sick that day.
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Did a Sunday school teacher tell you that your junk was dirty? :lol:

I'm kidding but really I think this is a mental hangup more than anything else.

I have to figure that most people in America take a shower every day.

Why do I want to touch a filthy faucet and soap dispenser. Then with my "clean" hands, touch a dirty door on the way out of a restroom? Most janitors only half clean these restrooms.

Washing your hands in public restooms does very little to improve hygiene in my opinion.

Better to keep hand sanitizer at your desk, not necessarily to protect yourself from yourself but to protect yourself from others who may be sick that day.


Most chemicals need a minimum of a minute to 2-3 minutes to even be effective. The standard spritz and wipe does nothing to sanitize the surfaces. Holding a paper towel to protect you from a dirty door? The germs/bacteria can't crawl past your infallible paper barrier? And even when most people "wash" their hands in a public restroom, they are simply applying an eyedropper of soap to hands sprinkled with lukewarm water at best, swished around for 5-6 seconds and then a quick rinse.

I was once in the restroom with a friend, a retired Navy man. When we were walking out a gruff fellow approached us and said to my friend, "In the Marines, they taught us to wash our hands after we use the head", to which my friend replied, "In the Navy, they taught us not to **** on our hands."
i've come to the conclusion that I work amongst some of the most disgusting people ever to grace this planet. Not only do these people lack basic courtesy and manners but they also have absolutely no consideration for those they work with.

for example:

when using the bathroom thou

- shalt not leave a half flushed turd in the toilet for the next person to discover

- shalt use air freshener and turn on the fan if you're going to drop off lastnight's dinner

- shalt not urinate on the toilet seat or the floor. If you do, then at least have the courtesy to clean up after yourself. This is what separates humans from barn animals

Do any of you experience this level of filth where you work? Sorry to sound so gross about it, but when it comes to a sanitary work environment i'm a little touchy.

These are not necessarily acts of carelessnes or of poor upbringing. These are basically acts of aggression. These are people who are mad at the world and they feel powerless, and this is a way (maybe the only way) for them to express that aggression. Leave a calling card behind, etc.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
These are not necessarily acts of carelessnes or of poor upbringing. These are basically acts of aggression. These are people who are mad at the world and they feel powerless, and this is a way (maybe the only way) for them to express that aggression. Leave a calling card behind, etc.


Why don't they just pass out a turd and say, "My card."
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