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Bad Batch of C.O. Bigelow/Proraso?

Hey Guys,

I haven't been on the forums much recently, but last Saturday I picked up a big tube of C.O. Bigelow from Bath and Body Works to restock my dwindling supply. I've noticed that this tube has a really heavy chemical scent to it compared to what I've experienced in the past (and trust me, I've used plenty). Have any of you experienced this recently? It still lathers up great, but as you can imagine, I have second thoughts while rubbing it around my face with the odd scent. I haven't gone running back to excahnge it, because I imagine everything at that one store is most likely from the same batch. Thoughts?

Depending on how old your tube was. I believe there is a new formula and you may of got it. Compare the ingredients in each and that will tell you if it's the new one.
I will check. I will not be impressed if the new formula is also the chemical bath formula, that may be the end of it for me.


Bah, I've taken out the garbage with the cardboard box in it already and the tubes say nothing about ingredients.

So how about it folks? Could the chemical scent just be due to the new formula? Anyone else experienced this?
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We haven't heard any reports about the New Proraso having a chemical smell ... and since Bigelow gets theirs manufactured for them by Proraso, its likely that they would change their packaging and announce it as "New and Improved."

I think you just got a bad batch ... but it would be the first I've heard of ANY Bigelow shave cream being less than perfect.

Let the folks at B&BW know you got a bad one ... they will most likely offer to exchange it. Test out the replacement at the store before you take it home, just to be on the safe side.
Yeah, when I got my first shave cream from them I also picked up some cologne and body lotion. The body lotion HAD to have something wrong with it. NO focus group ANYWHERE could have possibly tagged that smell as desirable. B&BW had no problem whatsoever taking back both the lotion AND the cologne in exchange for more of the shaving cream. Return it and check the new tube before leaving the store.
A brief followup:

Before my post on B&B about this odd case, I had gone right to the source and contacted C.O. Bigelow through their "Contact Us" link on their website to explain my situation. Today, I was contacted by a representative who will not only be sending me a replacement tube, but also look into the lot my tube came from to see if this is an isolated single-tube-incident or a more widespread case of a bad batch. While I am impressed, I should have expected as much from a company that, for all other incidents, provides such a reliable and consistent product.

Huzzah! I received my replacement tube direct from C.O. Bigelow and it smells just as it should. I appreciate the great customer service.
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