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B&B logo stuff

I have been de shaving for along time but i feel still feel new to the forum so I have no idea if this topic has been brought up and yes I know about the logo brush. While I was shaving today, I had to look for a towel and thought it I only had a towel not too big just to go around my shoulders that had the B&B logo just for shaving I thought that would be cool. Add in some coffee cups or a artisan cup/bowl for lather? I just had to ask what the heck. Any thought? Any products already out there?


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+1, My wife really wants a shirt with the B&B logo that says SWMBO on it

:lol: and yours could say "ask SWMBO".

never heard of that term before B&B and most people wouldn't have a clue, which would make it even funnier.

There was talk of a B&B branded lather bowl, but not sure where it's at now.

Pens, Shoes (yes shoes), Brushes have all been made or discussed in various sections of B&B. i believe there used to be a site that was affiliated with B&B that sold a few items, but don't recall what they were (might have just been various cups, mouse pads etc). i'm sure someone will remember it and chime in.

zazzle shows a sticker
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System Generated
HA, they do have a SWMBO shirt, keychains, onesies, APRON, tote bags.

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I love the towel idea as well! I would certainly rock a B&B tshirt.
i would also like to suggest a beer glass with the logo on it.
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