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B&B Carnival comes to a close - 2008 LE Winner Announced

Does anybody remember the B&B Carnival?

This was a grand event that we kicked off in August of 2008 celebrating the B&B membership reaching ten thousand. Note that as of this writing we now have 12691 members!

The B&B Carnival was a series of contests like no other in B&B history, an epic event celebrating an epic milestone. Here is a summary of the prizes and winners. Man, look at all those prizes!

Well, even after the carnival clean-up there is one final item of business required to successfully close out this event: Announcing the winner for Contest 10, the "What B&B means to me" essay. The prize, a B&B 2008 LE brush, was donated by Joel, Nick and the Mod team. There were a lot of great entries in this contest and it was tough deciding one winner but we had to and we did.

Ready? Here it is:
Are you really ready? Remember, this is for one of those totally awesome B&B 2008 LE Brushes:
OK, OK, OK! Here is the winner:

But first: To all the participants of Contest 10: I can't reiterate how hard it was choosing the winner. There were a lot of excellent posts. They were well written and more importantly, it was obvious people were speaking from the heart. Thank you all for participating. Folks who perused that thread have benefited from your efforts to share your experiences about this great forum - I know I did. And Now (Drum Roll)....​

castlecraver (Pat) for this entry.​

To Pat,
Congratulations on an outstanding effort!
From Joel, Nick and the entire B&B Mod team.
Wow. Congrats on a great prize! Be sure and take pics when you get it and post a mini review for all of the members that tried but just didn't win the contest .... and lets not forget Joel, Nick and the Mod team for this generous offer. We all owe them big thank you for making this happen. :a14:

so thanks. :biggrin:
Congatulations on the new brush Pat!:w00t:

That essay was a great read, hadn't seen it before.
I never read anything in that thread and the whole contest and carnival were before my arrival here. I think I'll check some of them out, as I'm now gaining my own appreciation of this site.



"Got Shoes?"
Thanks to all the members who submitted entries to Contest #10.

Congratulations to Pat on winning the LE '08 but more importantly for exemplifying the positive effect B&B can have on people. Your essay was truly uplifting and deserving of catching the prize. Well done.
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