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¡ATG All the Time!

I do a 2 pass ATG cold water shave + touch ups every other day. First pass no pressure or stretching, second pass stretching with very light pressure followed by cold water touch ups.
I’ve been shaving ATG for over 50 years. When I was younger I just did a one pass shave. Since I’ve got older my skin’s got looser, my beard’s got tougher and I’ve been doing two passes.
Friday’s Shave

Four amigos exploring efficiencies, searching comfort. The creamy Felce Aromatica a fragrant forest presence. The big boar crowned with a heavy cloud of softness. Luxurious lathering cajoling deeper skin relaxation. A Harbinger bidding a second pass. The Grande’s quick whispered strokes. Flashed through five day whiskers silently. Smooth closeness expanding into a deeper skin comfort.


Happy 🇨🇦 Canada Day 🇨🇦
A two pass ATG shave with touch ups today. Apologies for the photo, which will probably be my last, I’m not artistic and haven’t got the patience.
The brush is an old one and doesn’t look as good as it used to but performs just as well as the day I bought it.


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Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
@Ankerwycke , that photo looks amazing. That brush looks amazing. That razor inspires me to put my R41 head back in the rotation some time next year.
Sunrise Shave

A sunrise shave challenged with a twelve day growth. I was very surprised with my skin dryness. A large difference between a seven day and twelve day skin. Shea butter penetrated the skin dryness and sealed the rough skin providing extra protection and glide. Big boar spreading a thick creamy lather. Gently scrubbing, peaking tips luxuriously caressing skin to a deep comfort. Grande’s limit for me is a twelve day shave. Beyond will start to clog hair in the teeth. No flossing allowed. Short quick strokes not available. Whisker load, lengthening strokes a tad, dropping stroke speed by half. A methodical gentle first pass. I don’t care for doing G-Slides. The extra whisker length required, G-Strokes. The razor head adjustment, moves an ATG stroke into a hybrid stroke. ATG preferred and more efficient. All strokes have their limits. My shaving efficiency becomes compromised on either side of a seven day growth cycle. A lighter second pass with minimal buffing finished an excellent Face and Head shave. Zero irritation and deep skin comfort. There’s always a price. The fine DFS got to a boot licking BBS. A small price for elevated comfort.


Happy Shaves
Summer Breeze

A lengthy warm shower caressed gently with a balmy summer breeze. Anticipated velvety clouds of Felce Aromatica luxuriously spreading. Big boar permeating a calm skin comfort. The Grande competently piloted the Feather. Stroking a seven day growth. Smooth soft skin in a summer breeze.


Happy Shaves


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
Found that the hyooj boar brush (30mm Whipped Dog bleach boar in butterscotch handle — so floofy and comfortable) brush I occasionally use for random shaves is helping me over-water my lathers and it affects the efficiency of the shave more than using a blade more than once.

Working on that now.
Found that the hyooj boar brush (30mm Whipped Dog bleach boar in butterscotch handle — so floofy and comfortable) brush I occasionally use for random shaves is helping me over-water my lathers and it affects the efficiency of the shave more than using a blade more than once.

Working on that now.
A nice squeeze on a well soaked brush moves it into a nicely dampened brush for lather building. Light tip dunks adding water to move towards lather requirements. Face lathering adding much needed whisker hydration and gently skin exfoliating .


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
Tonight’s luxuriously stupendous shave
RazoRock JAWS 0.84
Lord Super Stainless (3)
Damp washcloth aka “shave binky”
Whipped Dog Butterscotch 30mm boar brush
Pre-shave: Warm shower
Lather: Wickham’s 1912, bowl-loaded/face-lathered
Aftershave: Ulm Nom
Post-shave: face wash with shave binky
Post-shave: mentholated Equate moisturizer

Cleaned my piggy brush by soaking it in warm water with a pinch of citric acid and a tiny squeeze of dishwashing liquid lightly agitated. Then I rinsed it out and shook it vigorously every few hours. Tonight, I was to soak my pigward latherer in just about 1cm of water — and I did — and it might have worked like the wiki were the brush not resaturated before my shift, on coffee breaks and lunch, and before I went out to play with the riding mower.

Right after mowing, my skin offers the ultimatum of an immediate shower or find out if anything with urushiol oil was made airborne. So I soaked the brush In tiny amount of water while I played with distilled mineral spirits and then soap and water in the shower.

From there, I took the brush from its coffee mug and lightly swirled it over some soap smushed in my soap loading bowl. I didn’t shake the brush or squeeze out the knot. A mistake was made…
…and thoroughly enjoyed!

The solution was thicker than the lightly poisoned water I used to use and thinner than the wonder lotion I accidentally made with SV soap and it was so delightfully slick!

¡Magnífica redemción!

So comfortable, so close, so (for me) fast! It‘s the type of shave I want to replicate and slowly refine at each and every bout of Happy Razor Fun Time. Aftershave was all “🎶Ooh, boy, I love you so. Never ever ever want to let you go🎶” instead of offering stings.

I had a similar lather and stupendous shave like this a few years ago with Col Conk Unscented, a Maggards tuxedo brush, and my trusty MMOC. Both tonight and back then, the lather was lots of soap, more water, and very little air. This is an even better high to chase than the popping sensation of stubble being cut. Hoping all it takes is a very wet brush, enough soap, and big dreams.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
Tonight’s opulent and stupendous shave
RazoRock JAWS 0.84
Lord Super Stainless (14)
Damp washcloth aka “shave binky”
Whipped Dog Butterscotch 30mm boar brush
Pre-shave: no
Lather: ARKO!, bowl-loaded/face-lathered
Aftershave: Aqua Velva
Post-shave: hot shower
Post-shave: mentholated Equate moisturizer

Had one of them technique improvements that only happen during the cleanup part of the shave. Got the light touch down where I could skim over stragglers, feeling only the cap gliding over ARKO! and then have bare skin. Will try for the entire shave next time.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
Got better at gliding the razor ever lighter over my stubble.

Getting the direction of the blade to be as close to ATG as the wacky whiskers allow will be the key to upping efficiency without sacrificing comfort.
A two pass ATG cold water shave with touch ups today. Soap was Tabac tallow.
I have alignment issues with both of my Fatips but the Kai blades align with no problems most of the time. They seem tailor made for the Fatips.


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Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
I need to dial it in more, but I’m finding long, flowing strokes at a shallow angle with a little briskness in their pace is simply marvelous.

Not all the whiskers were cut below the skin surface (this time), but they were all cut.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
Finding I’m no good at doing this with my Schick E3 Injector, but enjoying the heck out trying.

And a Micromatic squeezing down on an Injector blade works really great, too.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
Much easier for me to learn than the Schick E3 Injecotr; and using much more affordable blades; is the Gillette post-war Tech.

With a blade and its stock, thin-bar handle, it’s 76g. With a plastic handle from a PAA razor, it’s 33.2g.

Just placed the cap on my skin and had a fantastic, all-ATG shave.
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