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¡ATG All the Time!


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
I have to change my DE blades more often. The difference between time spent using a blade with a mere seven shaves and one is eye-opening.
Hi there, another guy here who's into ATG.
I thought I was alone thinking that WTG does not do much for me.

Always like ATG and gives me better close shaves all the time.
Got this itch of repeated ATG until its like glass smooth.

Thanks to @blethenstrom for pointing me into this side of shaving.
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Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
After using an AC-format safety razor at a neutral angle and a RazoRock Mamba 0.53 double-edged safety razor at every angle I could, I believe my skin prefers my use of a fairly shallow angle and just slightly more than neutral blade exposure for maximum comfort at the expense of some efficiency. On the blade is more appealing, but I’m terrible at going light enough.

For double-edged razors, a Fatip or Gillette post-war Tech would be a modestly priced option (maybe a Lord L5 or Gillette Super Blue would be even budget friendlier); a RazoRock Game Changer or Lupo for a higher-priced option; and a Karve Overlander or Blackland Blackbird for a higher-end toy and one where the shallow angle doesn’t look shallow.

For single-edged razors, my knowledge is limited to the GEM Micromatic Open Comb, Ever-Ready 1912, and RazoRock Hawk V3OC, but I’ve read great things about the Blackland Vector from @BrianWithAnI
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Maybe were the selected weird few but I notice even with so many YouTubers out there.
They don't shave ATG on their mustache. I only see them do WTG and XTG.

I could not say its a good satisfying close shave unless I do ATG. :laugh:

I know its whatever works for us but just curious are we not suppose to do ATG on mustache?
Any bad after effect I should be aware of?
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Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
With my hands, shaving ATG on upper lip with some razors is rough as everything. Along with the chin, the stache tends to have thicker whiskers and more of them per area, but it’s more flexible which can make it tougher. It’s also more moveable, which I think makes it easier to stretch than the chin.
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