So I have a nasty job, and i have been getting tiny blackheads on my chin and various other dermatological issues lately, and I decided to try a face scrub/pre-shave. I actually bought it for the scrub more than the pre-shave, but I decided to follow the directions and use it as such as well. Now I wear a chinstrap-type beard and usually only do 1 pass WTG on my cheeks and chin, and do 3 passes below my jawline. Tonight was no different since I don't have to impress anyone at work. Anyway, I used the Nutrogena scrub, some Gatsby cream lathered in my OS mug with my hig789 Whipped Dog black badger knot restored Ever-Ready, my Bostonian (had to have one since it is the razor in the old Gillette Railroad Men ad) with a 7 o'clock super platinum that I bet had been in the razor for at least a month with one use on it, alum, witch hazel, and some Skin Bracer my daughter picked out for me for Father's Day. I had no drag, skipping, or any resistance at all. I got a dfs without even trying. No touch ups, so the worst part of my face has a little tiny unsmooth place, but I was amazed. Does the scrub help the shower prep that much? Imagine what I could have done if I had been trying!