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My first ever shave, from many years ago - let's see yours.......


I smell like a Christmas pudding

It was 1976 and I was 15. Dad handed me his Pre-War Tech and his Rubberset brush and his wooden bowl of Yardley. I can't recall which blade, but he alternated between Schick and Gillette Platinum blades depending on which had the lower price the day he went to buy some. One brand called them Plus Platinum and the other Platinum Plus and I cant recall which brand used what name now. ;)

Now, I have this here pic I took of my family heirloom razors. You can see the Pre-War Tech here along with Dad's SuperSpeed and Post-War Tech. That is the Rubberset brush. No more Yardley, but after that disappeared with the Rexall drug stores from New York State he switched to Old Spice. You see two of those here. I wound up with all of his remaining stuff after he passed away in 1995.

The Old Type was my Grandfather's which I wound up with after he passed away in 1979.

Anyway, if you eyeball the Pre-War Tech and that brush and mentally substitute some Yardley for the Old Spice, we have it. :p

That is some real treasure right there - to own your Dad's razors as well as your Grandfather's razor is a real blessing 👍

I use Grandpa's razor fairly often. Dad's Tech I use on his birthday with his brush. The SuperSpeed was a Christmas present from my Mom in 1948 along with that brush. So, I use it on Christmas day. Plus, I am likely the only one here on B&B that knows the year his No Date Code SuperSpeed was made....

Hi @EclipseRedRing , My first shave, while in college, was with a Gillette Super Adjustable and a giant can of cheap generic brand of shaving foam that was similar to Gillette Foamy. I also used Brute 33 cologne back then though only for special occasions like a date. For shaving I washed my face, applied the shaving foam and completed a one pass shave.
First shaves: high school, my sister's electric leg shaver, special female model, upper lip peach fuzz only.

When my cheeks got fuzzy, I bought a Gillette Techmatic. Big mistake. Absolutely no desire to revisit that. The "borrowed" (thanks, Dad) canned shave cream was no particular treat, either.

@EclipseRedRing , I envy your smooth start!
I had a cheap disposable and some Barbasol. I moved to a Mach 3, and some canned gel with gillette balm gel that had too much calone. Then came Dominica Bay Rum and the Schick Quattro and later Quattro Titanium, along with some Old Spice splash, VIBR, and Clubman. There were probably Ralph Lauren Chaps and Stetson splashes in there, too.

Many of these things are hard to find or belong in the past, but I still have Old Spice, Barbasol, VIBR, Clubman, and a cheap disposable.

I wish someone has showed me a DE razor, Simpson Best, and old spice puck when I was fifteen, but so it goes.
I wish I remember more about my first shave, or even my first DE shave. I only remember the razor I used for my first DE shave, and that's it. I might have used a bath soap for my first DE shave? I'm not sure. I certainly don't remember anything about my first shave ever.
Seeing this first post I simply couldn't resist...Enjoy!

I was looking for the Muhammed Ali commercial for Brut but could not find it. You may recall the advert lines, "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, the great smell of Brut and the punch from Ali." I did however find a clip of Ali during an interview in the gym where he is reported to have said the beginning part of this poetry publicly for the first time. That video is last on this list and it happens about at marker 01:59.

A smattering of some Brut commercials...

I still have my first razor, which I acquired 50 years ago this month. My father set me up with a Schick injector, a five-pack of blades, and a can of foaming goo. I still shave with the Schick every now and then.


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