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Any one own a DOVO Perlex or DOVO Micarta

Ok all you Straight Razor users. I have been using my two straights I aquired on B/S/T and now would like to buy my first high end model (High End for my budget anyway) I have bee looking at the different sites to chose a razor from and I seem to be drawn more to the Dovo razors. What I was wondering is, Have any of you owned or used a Dovo Perlex 5/8


Or a Dovo Micarta? I chose the Ivory because they are having a little sale on them right now.


One is Stainless one is Carbon Steel. From what I have read on here that doesn't matter unless you are going to hone it since Stainless takes longer to hone. I chose VintageBlade.com because with all the hype about Lynn Abrams being an excellent honemeister I thought I would jump on the band wagon and give him a try. What do you all think of these razors? I'm not really a fan of TI razors. Never used one in my life, just don't like the looks of them. That's just me. Any help here guys will be appreciated.
currently use that same dovo micarta. looks fantastic and shaves well, not sure what else to say about it. i think i may prefer carbon steel but stainless is much less maintenance (do not really feel the need to oil it after every shave but ussualy do). do not think choosing that for my go to blade was a poor choice in any way.

good luck on deciding
Awesome guys, thanks for the posts. I'm still on neutral ground with a vote of 1 for each.lol
I have the Perlex but in 6/8" size. While I like the blade quite a bit, I wasn't a fan of the scales. They look nice, but I found them a bit flimsy. I had it rescaled with Amboyna wood and now it is one of my favorites.
Ok all you Straight Razor users. I have been using my two straights I aquired on B/S/T and now would like to buy my first high end model (High End for my budget anyway) I have bee looking at the different sites to chose a razor from and I seem to be drawn more to the Dovo razors. What I was wondering is, Have any of you owned or used a Dovo Perlex 5/8


Or a Dovo Micarta? I chose the Ivory because they are having a little sale on them right now.


One is Stainless one is Carbon Steel. From what I have read on here that doesn't matter unless you are going to hone it since Stainless takes longer to hone. I chose VintageBlade.com because with all the hype about Lynn Abrams being an excellent honemeister I thought I would jump on the band wagon and give him a try. What do you all think of these razors? I'm not really a fan of TI razors. Never used one in my life, just don't like the looks of them. That's just me. Any help here guys will be appreciated.

I don't know how much honing Lynn does for Vintage Blades, but his own e-comm store is www.straightrazordesigns.com
I bought the Micarta and had to sell it due to financial strains. Either razor is first class, but I can tell you that the stainless blade on that micarta honed like most carbon blades I have used which is unusual. I really liked the heft to the razor as well, but some would disagree. Either way, for a new razor Dovo is about as good a value as you'll find!
I'm aware of SRD I was just going by there website which says Lynn does there honing (new and old). He may have stopped and they have not updated there site. I also like the fact that since the Micarta is overstocked on there site right now you can get that particular razor 35.00 cheaper on Vintage Blade. Does anyone know if Lynn still hones for Vintage Blade?

I don't know how much honing Lynn does for Vintage Blades, but his own e-comm store is www.straightrazordesigns.com

I got a blond Dovo Micarta (EnVogue) and it shaved so well I bought a second in black :001_smile

They are excellent shavers, and very easy to maintain - I have noticed no difference in their behaviour on pasted strops or the hones compared with my carbon steel blades. The swirly etched blade looks very nice too !

The only slight crticism I have is that the scales are rather 'fat', but you soon get used to that.

Highly recommended !

Have fun !

Best regards

I've liked both carbon Dovo razors I've had. I started on a 5/8 Tortoise Special, and recently have come to love the very cheap 6/8 1/2 hollow Best Quality.
I too have a Dovo Best Quality. Very nice razor. Very satisfied with that.

I've liked both carbon Dovo razors I've had. I started on a 5/8 Tortoise Special, and recently have come to love the very cheap 6/8 1/2 hollow Best Quality.
I ordered the ivory Dovo Micarta as my first straight razor, and I have the hardest time getting that thing sharp because I'm a newbie at honing:lol:

So I ended up sending it to Lynn Abrams, and it came back exceptionally sharp:thumbup1:
I also have the Micarta and it came from vintagebladesllc.com. I think Jim is a top notch guy and couldn't have been happier with the razor. I am finding that I like the carbon steel a bit more than the stainless steel but that may change with time. The price is what drew me to this blade and for that you can't go wrong. It is a bit heftier than my Dovo Best Quality but not in a bad way. If you buy from vintage, the blade will have been honed by Lynn and that adds significantly to the value in my book. Anyways, the Micarta is a great shaver and it has my vote.
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