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Am I the only one......

.......who didn't take Bon Jovi seriously back in the 80's? I was in 7th grade when I first heard Bon Jovi. At the time I thought they were another stupid hair band that was trying to be as awesome as Motley Crue.

This morning I found myself humming "I'll Be There For You" and thought to myself how awesome Bon Jovi is. Their music sounds different today than it did way back then. And I mean the Bon Jovi signature songs like "You give Love a Bad Name".

Maybe i am just having nicotine withdrawals this morning, but these were real thoughts that I had.:crazy:

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.......that didn't take Bon Jovi seriously back in the 80's? I was in 7th grade when I first heard Bon Jovi. At the time I thought they were another stupid hair band that was trying to be as awesome as Motley Crue.


Maybe i am just having nicotine withdrawals this morning...[but BJ sounds like the greatest rock and roll band in the world to me now!]:crazy:

DL [with edit from bythbook]

see - there's a reasonable explanation for every discordant event.
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Have a good shave, eat some Bacon for breakfast and let us know if this passes. If it doesn't, someone may be able to recommend a good doctor in your area.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
.......who didn't take Bon Jovi seriously back in the 80's? I was in 7th grade when I first heard Bon Jovi. At the time I thought they were another stupid hair band that was trying to be as awesome as Motley Crue.

Am I the only one who didn't take Mötley Crüe seriously? :lol:
Hated Bon Jovi then, hate them now. Hell is a place where their music is being played constantly.
I didn't start to appreciate Bon Jovi until the 90's. But, I really like many of his songs. One of my all-time favourite songs is Blaze of Glory. :punk:


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
To answer the original question, I never liked them, but I think he's one of the best businessmen in the industry.
.......who didn't take Bon Jovi seriously back in the 80's? I was in 7th grade when I first heard Bon Jovi. At the time I thought they were another stupid hair band that was trying to be as awesome as Motley Crue.

This morning I found myself humming "I'll Be There For You" and thought to myself how awesome Bon Jovi is. Their music sounds different today than it did way back then. And I mean the Bon Jovi signature songs like "You give Love a Bad Name".

Maybe i am just having nicotine withdrawals this morning, but these were real thoughts that I had.:crazy:


Depite the poor reviews above, I have always liked them. Have tickets to see them in two months in fact. But I'm kind of strange, so everyone tells me.
Bon Jovi isnt' meant to be taken seriously. Its meant to be screamed off key at the top for your lungs when you've had a few too many.
I liked some of his stuff, some of it I didn't like. Kind of like most bands.

FWIW, I had a hard time taking any of the big hair bands seriously. I liked Van Halen's music, but please, gigantic hair and you're wearing womens swimsuits??

I liked some of his stuff, some of it I didn't like. Kind of like most bands.

FWIW, I had a hard time taking any of the big hair bands seriously. I liked Van Halen's music, but please, gigantic hair and you're wearing womens swimsuits??


Let's not forget his acting. U-571 which I thought was pretty good and Vampires: Los muertos which I don't have thoughts on.
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