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Against the grain with a safety razor?

Growing up, I always heard to never go against the grain but of course this was mainly referring to cartridge razors. is it the same with safety razors? If I go against the grain will I develop ingrown hairs?
Just went against the grain, feels so good. When I went against the grain the rare few times with cartridge razors, my face would feel on fire and look red all over. My face foods good and calm right now.

Edwin DE razor with Astra blades.
For me...a normal shave goes for two passes...with the grain then against the grain. I always get a very close shave if not BBS, yeah cart razors suck going against the grain...almost painful if you ask me. Nothing like a sharp blade in a DE to go through it like butter, I don't remember my last ingrown hair in fact.
I always do against the grain on my last pass. No ingrown hairs. It's never been a problem. If you read the tutorials about shaving on here you will see that most everyone does an against the grain pass.
I have a few combinations of razors and blades I can use ATG, but in general I don't go ATG because it's just not comfortable enough.
I go against too only because I find that my hairs grow in a direction that I can't really catch going just wtg, that said against is usually my last pass with 2 wtg passes both holding my skin taught in two different directions. I haven't had any problems with ingrown hairs but it could be because of the direction some of my hairs seem to grow and I've done it for as long as I've used a razor.
For years I shaved entirely against the grain, in the shower with a disposable; if I didn't, nothing happened. Now I try to be a good boy and go in all directions, but nothing actually happens until and unless I go against the grain.
I always use the ATG for my second pass in my 2 pass shave. My first pass is a combination of WTG and XTG, as is my second which is a combo of XTG and ATG. I've not had problems with ingrowns shaving as I do, but I would recommend going really light if you do use any ATG. Of course you'll have to experiment to see what works best for you.
You don't have to go ATG, but if you don't you will probably not get a very close shave. For myself, if I don't go ATG, I still have stubble that I can (although no one else can see it). Whether you do ATG or not is really a matter of how close you want to get, and what it takes to get to that level of closeness for you. You'll just have to experiment and see what you require. I have not found that going ATG increases the likelihood of in-growns, but that may not be the case for you. You'll just have to try it, and see how it works out for you.
I can't go against the grain without lots of irritation, instead my final pass is a near ATG which results in a CCS.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
My third pass is against the grain - except for my upper lip. But I have never had a problem with ingrown hairs. If you have you may want to skip ATG for that area of the face.

For my lip I go WTG, WTG, ATG with blade buffing. The results are very good. Don't be afraid to experiment.
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