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Acquisitions March 2 - 8

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Blade choice is essential. Ted Pella's are the best but you don't want to have to buy 200 just to try them. Find some member, well, like me, who will send you a couple to see how you like them. PM me with name and address.
















I'm having really good luck with the PAL blued carbon steel blades SWMBO grabbed for me at the bloom. I'm afraid if I find any other reason to keep using the GEM, I'll neglect the rest of my razors:frown:
Been rotating my Gold Tone Gem Junior with a 1912 Ever-Ready.

Other razors are having a tough time cracking the lineup at the moment -

The shaves are comfortable, close, long lasting and also (a negative?) quick. I'm done with the razor in under 5 minutes. No rush, just no need to repeat passes - something about the head geometry just works for me.

I agree with these posters - clean it up and use it.

I'm off to Bloom tomorrow to find some PAL blued steel blades....
Supremely toasty looking Gold Tech. Already have a nice one but this one was too cherry and too cheap. And the case is sweet.


Knize Ten soap in the wooden bowl,
W&S Orange Balm.

Waiting on:

TGQ creams,
Anglia Perfumery samples
Today my wife and I went to Wimberly Market Days. This is what we found: a 1912, a Slim Adjustable (paid $3) and a Tuck-away. The Aristocrat and single-ring are ebay scores that came in the mail yesterday.


Nice, any cracks in the Tuckaway handle?
i was in a salvage/damaged goods store in griffin georgia today.i picked up a VDH boar brush w/hunter green handle for $1.50,a lot of canned goods and spices.after checkout i saw a rack of aftershaves and perfumes and mentioned to my wifes step- mother that i would have to come back and pick up the gift pack of british sterling 2.5 oz a/s and cologne spray for $6.99.she picked it up and carried it over to her husband who was checking out had him buy it for me.and refused reimbursement.so i got a freebie.:biggrin:
My wife showed her undying love by buying me my own little armoire for my shave stuff. Not like I needed a reminder after 23 years of wedded bliss but yeah, she's a a keeper.

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Nice aquisition sir. A couple of those edges look very fine indeed. Well done. And are you still looking for more? I'm guessing the answer is yes. Hats doffed to you anyway.
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