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A thank you PIF

First person to say I'm interested is welcome to this lot, limited to the CONUS due to shipping cost. I would like to offer this PIF to someone that maybe has not tried these products , wants to try a boar/two band finest/both. There is two slightly used bottles of a/s 400ml from Razorock and Floid. Proraso pre/post two slightly used bottles, two partially used tubes or Proraso red and blue. A slightly used puck of Mamabears pheonix rising. Geo sandalwood skin food slightly used. Italian Barber LE Semogue boar lightly used maybe not even broken in fully (my first quality boar brush not sure what broken in would be really but its been lathered 20 times and is softening up for sure). Last is a Rudy Vey custom hive in two band finest , this brush is excellent, very soft with a touch of scritch. Thank you to my Mother for giving us our living/dining room sets for our first place!


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:thumbup:Thats a fantastic PIF, very generous, you just made someone's year.

Congrats on your new house.

Yeah, that was an outstanding PIF. It's things like this that make me thankful I found this community. Happy New Year and congrats/good luck on the new house.
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