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A BIT more agressive than the DE87

My DE87 has become my favorite razor, to the extent that I have gotten rid of my others. I have tried many different blades, and worked my way up to the sharpest ones (Gillette Sharpedge, Super Platinum and Feathers). I find myself wanting a closer shave, and I'd like a razor that's SLIGHTLY more aggressive, so I can get closer, and/or use some of the other blades I have, (Super Iridiums and Gillette Super Thins).
I have tried several different vintage TTO Gillettes, they didn't do it for me. I would like a 2 or 3 piece, non-adjustable razor. I am considering a Merkur 34C (I'm a bit put off by reports of poor quality), or one of Bob's creations. I had a long-comb NEW, in my learning phase, and found it TOO aggressive, or rather, un-forgiving. I remember I had to pay CLOSE attention, to avoid getting cut. My technique has improved, so I might want to re-visit that one. In this excellent post, the difference between the long and short combs is explained really well. http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=162987 I am thinking a short comb NEW head, on one of Bob's "Improved" handles might be the ticket. I've read several posters state they didn't find much difference between the long and short combs, but a few do state a preference for one or the other. The article mentioned above shows quite a significant difference in geometry. I'm hoping a short comb NEW might be what I want. What are your thoughts?
i would just get an adjustable(slim) and get your choice of tighter shaves

Alex, I tried a couple slims, they never worked for me. I preferred the Fattie, had a few, they are nice, but don't shve me as well as the DE87.
You have (or had) both the Edwin Jagger DE and several NEWs, right?
What do you think of them, compared to each other? Do you find the long and short comb NEW the same, or different?
Perhaps a Merkur Slant? I had the HD and preferred the EJ 89. Now I use Gem's and find them superior to all but I never tried a slant. The HD was a little more aggressive for me than the EJ but not as smooth.
Perhaps a Merkur Slant? I had the HD and preferred the EJ 89. Now I use Gem's and find them superior to all but I never tried a slant. The HD was a little more aggressive for me than the EJ but not as smooth.

Hmm, never considered a slant, heard they were for bluebeards :w00t:
But, I didn't try Feathers for a while either, and they are great! I have seen that comment about the HD (not as smooth), thanks. As far as quality control, do the slants not have that problem?
JUST the kind of info I am looking for! Do you find a difference between the long and short combs?

For me personally I like the short combs slightly better. It is a bit more aggressive than the long combs. Both are very much capable and they have there fans here. They are pretty easy to hunt down. The best thing that I can suggest is pick up both and evaluate it with your favorite blade. Hope this helps.
I finally got a short comb new. Tried it once, didn't like it, and put it in my "sell" pile. For the heck of it, I got it out and gave it one last try today. I used a Feather, my blade of choice in the EJ. To my surprise, it was quite good, and indeed, slightly more aggressive then the EJ. I got a nice close shave, with no blood loss. This was one of only a few shaves I have tried with an open comb. I remember not liking the feeling of the comb on my face, but this time it felt good. I will be trying it again!
For a bit more agression, go with the Merkur HD 34C. If the quality control bothers you, order from a trusted vendor, who will accept a return or provide a replacement. Mine is spot on.
For a bit more agression, go with the Merkur HD 34C. If the quality control bothers you, order from a trusted vendor, who will accept a return or provide a replacement. Mine is spot on.

Hmm, I was considering the HD, got varying reports as far as the shave compared to the EJ. The QC is an issue as well. I guess I need to try one!
Well, in three months I've used the following razors:

Merkur 180 Long Handle - I find the handle is a bit too long for me.
Merkur 34C HD - Nice Razor, good feel moderately aggressive
Edwin Jagger 89DE - Beautiful plating, less aggressive, more elegant but less aggressive
Gillette 1918 Khaki - Blast from the past, razor burn out the whazoo
Merkur 39C - Wonderful slant-edge heavy handle, current favorite

Next stop - who knows. Feather, Pils, Edwin Jagger Chatsworth Barley, something else I don't know.
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