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Anyone still using the Gillette NEW razor


Dances with Wolfs
I acquired an SC and a couple of LCs early in my razor collecting career. I liked the LC very much back then. But the SC was almost unusable for me. It would give me nicks and weepers every time. But I still kept it, because as a serial collector, I had this need to have one of everything in my collection. And the SC was a significant razor in the scheme of things. Fast forward years …. And my technique evolved accordingly with time. Now I get great shaves from the SC. Really happy to have kept that razor in my collection. Now that SC has been supplanted by the NEW Standard, which has been giving me even better shaves these days.
I am not really familiar with the British NEW razors. Are there more than one kind?
I had four things

That raises I question that I have also wondered about - what modern CNC razor is closest in feel and performance to the NEW?

It is a question I have tried to answer a little over the past few months by purchasing a couple of mild OC razors, and whilst I have found good razors, none of them are comparable to the NEW.

The shape of the teeth
The low gap / exposure
The low blade reveal / high rigidity
The compact, nimble head

Nothing yet has quite hit the spot on all criteria, but there must be a razor out there which does.
I have no seen anything like it.
I wonder why.
After recently shaving my beard and becoming a daily shaver once again, the New, Short Comb, on an uncommon thin bar handle is being reintroduced to my shave rotation.
I’ve got a New SC that I like very much. I’ve been using it exclusively for a couple months to see if I want to get it replated or not. So far the New SC has the best combo of closeness and comfort of just about any razor I’ve used.

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Be aware that if you replace it, there is a chance that it will shave differently. The factory plating was really thin and most folks who re-plate offer a greater thickness.
At least this was my experience.
Be aware that if you replace it, there is a chance that it will shave differently. The factory plating was really thin and most folks who re-plate offer a greater thickness.
At least this was my experience.

Good to know. Unfortunately mine has a couple dings and bare metal exposed in a couple spots. If it becomes my primary razor I’d feel much better about getting it replated.
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