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90 Day Challenge

My target is 2,070 calories per day.
I commuted by bike yesterday, so I earned 1,413 extra calories.
Total intake yesterday was 2,700.

Had an uncomfortable moment on the ride home last night. Wasn't pushing real hard, there was a significant headwind, but that I can deal with. Got about 10 miles in (2 miles from home) and I felt like I was bonking, and I got a little jittery. Like I needed to eat something or it's the same feeling if you have too much caffeine (which wasn't the culprit I know).

Wonder if I'm not eating enough on days I ride. Maybe I need to eat more during the day and less at night. It's difficult. Riding as much as I have this year, I feel like I'm always hungry and can't eat enough. But I don't want to overeat becasue I'm trying to get past the 265 hump that ALWAYS gets me.
It does sound like low blood sugar. An energy bar or pack on the rise should help and won't add too much to your caloric intake.
That's my thought too ... it was odd though. First time it's happened while commuting. Never expected to "bonk" on a commute.
I failed at my 2 mile walk. I wanted to, but my legs were too sore from squats yesterday. Anyone got any tips for reducing muscle soreness post workout so I can workout every day?

Try some Glutamine. GNC has Glutamine chews or there's powder you can mix in water. Some recovery drinks and protein shakes include it. Definitely helps with soreness.
That's my thought too ... it was odd though. First time it's happened while commuting. Never expected to "bonk" on a commute.

I agree, that's very short even for bucking headwinds, have you discussed this with you doctor? I'm sure it's nothing serious but if you are fueling properly and you are getting those issues you might be hypoglycaemic or have some other hidden issue that is showing up under exertion and it's better to be safe than sorry. If this continues blood work and a stress test would seem to be in order just to be on the safe side.
That's the thing ... I'm not sure I'm fueling right. Trying to lose weight and ride lots. It's been a hard balance to find
That's the thing ... I'm not sure I'm fueling right. Trying to lose weight and ride lots. It's been a hard balance to find

It certainly is! I wonder if its because you are depleting your glycogen stores and relying more on fat for energy. Are you getting ketones in your urine? I'm not trying to play doctor but when you dieting and exercising hard sometime you enter into ketosis and don't even realize it. If that's all it is you just need to fuel more on carbs but if it's not and it continues then it might be time to seek medical advise. Best of luck and hope it goes away next ride!
Getting back in to the swing of things now after finishing up the extra work at the office today. 10 miles walking plus a decent back/biceps workout in the gym. Calories in where approx 1800 with 140g protein, 41g fat, 235g carbs, and 31g fiber.

This weekend should be pretty decent as well and I'm hoping to hit 162 for Monday morning.

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
I'm in.

In 2012 I lost a significant amount of weight following a paleo/primal diet. Starting around the holidays 2012 I let things back into my diet that I had previously eliminated, and the weight has gradually been creeping up. I still primarily follow a grain free paleo style plan but now it's time to button things up. At my lowest my weight was 195# it has been holding steady at 225.

Loose weight, no specific amount, but to fit back into my 34 inch jeans (currently at 36), and to generally feel better in my clothes.

I plan to follow a similar protocol that I previously used. No grains, very low sugar. Eliminate ice cream, and alcohol. Occasional ketosis and intermittent fasting. Occasional fruit, but no restrictions on vegetables or animal products.
Activity will include walks and short runs, kettlebell movements and martial arts.
After doing not so bad this week, blew it today by starting with a Chik Fil A breakfast and a chicken wing lunch at work.
Still, got off my butt when home to walk dog in horrible humidity.

Extra strenuous gardening tomorrow, gym on Sunday.
I am in, although I started in mid-July, so this is more like a 150 day transformation for me :lol:

I weighed 250 pounds four years ago and dropped that to 190 by just eating less. I quickly learned why diets never worked and gained 20 of those pounds back. I floated between 200 and 210 for the past three years. About a year ago, I made a lifestyle change and started eating strictly paleo/primal and organic. I lost those 20 pounds again and have kept them off.

I started weight lifting and doing cardio in mid-July, while adding some healthy carbs back to my diet. I weight lift Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and do cardio the other four days of the week (30 minutes on a stationary bike). I have a 39" waist. I want to shrink that, but am not sure how possible that is given that I am eating more food now in order to build muscle mass. I am focusing on bulking, so we shall see.
Welcome Matt & Derrick and good luck to both of you!

Matt hit on something that is true about diets except it's actually a little more complex -- all diets, in fact, do work; however, they only work while you are on them so the key is really lifestyle change and that's what I am aiming for now. In the past I was always active and my eating habit were good but last few years I let them go for various reasons so now I'm trying to regain those and have a healthy lifestyle that I can maintain from now on.

I'm hoping we can all encourage each other to not only get healthier for the next 3 months but also find ways to maintain that for a lifetime of health and longevity. That's the real challenge! :thumbup1:
After a false start I finally got my 5 mile run in and the time was not too bad at 41:49. I was aiming for a pace better than 8:30 per mile so I made that goal! I added about 8 miles walking on top of the run and my caloric intake was 2000 with 155g protein, 60g fat, 217g carbs, and 26g fiber.
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After a false start I finally got my 5 mile run in and the time was not too bad at 41:49. I was aiming for a pace better than 8:30 per mile so I made that goal! I added about 8 miles walking on top of the run and my caloric intake was 2000 with 155g protein, 60g fat, 217g carbs, and 26g fiber.

One day, you'll actually move your legs, then that will be scary. :tongue_sm
One day, you'll actually move your legs, then that will be scary. :tongue_sm

Thanks, Don. I guess it would be funnier if people actually knew that you were my identical twin. :001_rolle Sure you can run a 10K in about that time but I can lift your max bench for a warm up so I feel we are even. :tongue_sm
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