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90 Day Challenge

Closing in on the end of week one and so far so good. No artificial sweets or processed foods. Lunch today was a side salad, grilled salmon, and broccoli. Dinner was fresh berries with plain Greek yogurt. Tomorrow I'll weigh in for the week.
Closing in on the end of week one and so far so good. No artificial sweets or processed foods. Lunch today was a side salad, grilled salmon, and broccoli. Dinner was fresh berries with plain Greek yogurt. Tomorrow I'll weigh in for the week.

I imagine it will be a good weigh in as well.
Not a great day but not a bad one either. Weighed in at 162.4 so made my goal for this week. Today I walked 15 miles and had an intake of 2000 cals: 133g protein, 30g fat, 300g carbs, and 46g fibre. My goal for next week is to be 160 by Sunday. This will bring me to my original goal and then I'll see if I want to stop or drop to 155.
Nice work closing in on your goal, David. For your daily mileage, is that throughout the day, or is it a dedicated 15 mile walk at one time?

I weighed in this morning at a hair over 185. About 5.5 pounds down for the week. Today will be my first 2.5 mile run and I'm not looking forward to that extra half mile. The good news is that a cold front came through last night, so it shouldn't be so miserable out there.
Nice work closing in on your goal, David. For your daily mileage, is that throughout the day, or is it a dedicated 15 mile walk at one time?

I weighed in this morning at a hair over 185. About 5.5 pounds down for the week. Today will be my first 2.5 mile run and I'm not looking forward to that extra half mile. The good news is that a cold front came through last night, so it shouldn't be so miserable out there.

It was 10 miles at once and the other 5 miles was throughout the day.

Congrats on the results and don't worry about the extra half mile, it won't be so bad now that you are already doing 2 miles. It's mostly a psychological thing to get that extra distance but it feels physical for sure.
It was definitely a mental barrier, but I achieved my personal farthest run without stopping at 2.5 miles with an average 9:56 min/mile pace. It was a perfect morning for a run with cloud cover, 80 degrees, a light breeze, and moderate humidity.
It was definitely a mental barrier, but I achieved my personal farthest run without stopping at 2.5 miles with an average 9:56 min/mile pace. It was a perfect morning for a run with cloud cover, 80 degrees, a light breeze, and moderate humidity.

Great work! Weather being nice always helps too, I find that humidity just saps my will to run.
I've been eating pretty well. Haven't been drinking beer and have tried to polish off a 2 liter bottle of water every day along with the tea I drink at work. Coffee remains black.

I didn't get to go to the gym this weekend and last week I got home so late it was already closed. Gotta just start working out at home on those types of days. Going to the gym after work today if I don't get out too late.
Been eating better and walking the dog at least once a day. Not too much as far as physical activity but my best bud/trainer is back from being underway so I'll be lifting starting tomorrow after work! Let the GAINS begin!
20 miles walking plus 1900 cals intake: 132g protein, 25g fat, 279g carbs, 33g fibre. Not a bad day and well on my way to my goal of 160 by next Sunday.
I haven't been checking in too much, but have been following this thread closely. You guys are all doing great and are inspring me to do my best. I still haven't been able to find the time get active, but I have been eating less and making good choices. My electronic scale at home totally stinks (it basically seems to lock on to the same weight for a week or so at a time and then jumps to the next weight for another week or so), so I'm on the lookout for an old school scale with a dial. I know that I'm making progress because my clothes have already gone from being tight, to fitting nicely, to starting to get loose (I've been at this for a little while longer than this thread has been active). Anyway, you guys are all doing great. Keep up the good work!
Packed my gym bag in the morning so I could go right there after work. Been working uncompensated 12-14 hr days since I came back from America. Got my frustrations out on the heavy bag today.

I downloaded the GSP-Rushfit app on my iPhone probably a year ago. Used it for a while and never kept up with it. Did the 20 minute workout today. Basically used it as a warm up and then got to 3-2 minute rounds of shadow boxing followed by 4-2 minute rounds of bag work. Worked combos the first three and then power shots for the last round. Minute break in between rounds. Did 3-40 second rounds of kettlebell swings with 20 seconds rest in between followed by 3-40 second rounds of snatches. Got on the treadmill and ran a mile in 8'34. Was gonna call it a day but still felt good. Did 10 minutes of light jump roping as a cool down and then a stretch.

I actually saw this young guy who I met about 6 months ago at the gym. It used to be just him and I. He looked so much better that it gave me even more inspiration. He was 100kg but is down to 88 now. I told him to hold me accountable if he doesn't see me in the weight room.

Well, the weekends are just such a struggle for me. I've always done the five days on, weekend off thing in terms of diet/exercise, but I'm not sure I can keep doing that if I want to get past this 165 plateau. That said, I don't think I ate too terribly bad, and I know I didn't drink much beer (two bloody marys on Sunday with football though).

I did, however, manage to get out on a 21 mile ride on Saturday, averaged over 16mph for the whole ride which I was pretty pleased with. I'd been off the bike since last Wednesday when I had my little bonking episode.

Commuted to work today on the bike, and this morning's ride was very good. Averaged over 16.6 mph for the ride. Will have sort of a recovery ride on the way home tonight. The rest of the week's commuting is going to be dependent on the weather. Fall is arriving :(
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