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90 Day Challenge

I weighed in 3 pounds down over the weekend. 95% probability that it's 85% dehydration, but when I talled MFP for the weekend I was pretty darn good. Cava was my downfall Saturday, but by the end of the day my willpower was shot.
Still, not a bad start, and when I told my wife my weight loss goal, she joined me. Both looking at 15 to 20 by Thanksgiving.
I weighed in 3 pounds down over the weekend. 95% probability that it's 85% dehydration, but when I talled MFP for the weekend I was pretty darn good. Cava was my downfall Saturday, but by the end of the day my willpower was shot.
Still, not a bad start, and when I told my wife my weight loss goal, she joined me. Both looking at 15 to 20 by Thanksgiving.

A good start and always easier when your spouse is joining you! :thumbup1:
Yesterday my activity was 16 miles walking and legs at the gym. Calories in were about 2200 with 175g protein, 55g fat, 270g carbs, 46g fiber.

Today I'll be going for my first 5 mile run in years so going to do an easy 7 to 7.2 mph pace.
What was supposed to be a 2 mile run today turned into a 2.5 mile warmup walk (one of the neighborhood kids wanted to go with me to the park) followed by the 2 mile run after I walked her back home.
What was supposed to be a 2 mile run today turned into a 2.5 mile warmup walk (one of the neighborhood kids wanted to go with me to the park) followed by the 2 mile run after I walked her back home.

That's a bit of a bonus then.
Was only able to do 4 miles in the run today -- should have known 5 miles was going to be hard after a heavy leg workout. Time was ok at 33:23 but need to work on my distance.
I'm in (See Joe, occasionally you can be a good influence).

My goal is fairly simple, my second kid is on the way in 5.5 months and I really need to be in better shape. What I will achieve is weight loss of at least 35 pounds. I will do this by reducing my food intake to 1600 calories a day and doing at least an hour of walking and or working out a day.

To achieve calorie reductions I will be giving up:
1. alcohol and sugary drinks
2. High calorie meats (so long ribeye... You will be missed)
3. Empty calories such as white bread and white rice
4. Impulsive snacking
5. Going out to lunch with coworkers

What I will be taking up:
1. Packing daily lunches that are nutritious and filling
2. Planning our weekly meals to cut down on our food bills
3. Packing snacks for work that are appetizing
4. Weightlifting at least 2x a week
5. Posting here every day to document my successes and failures
6. Using MFP to catalog my meals

Good luck gents! Let's all meet and or exceed our goals!
Alright. You got me Tony. I've been thinking about making a KevDog style thread for a while now to get my butt back into shape. But this seems better as we'll all be sufferi.....working together.

I started training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in 2008 and Continued to 2013 even after I moved to Japan. Between that and Boxing/Kickboxing I was really able to eat whatever I wanted and would burn it off training.

My sensei here in Japan is a buddhist monk and last year the head monk at his temple passed away making him the top monk. So he stopped being able to teach and I haven't trained or competed in over a year. Needless to say I've gotten very soft and complacent in my gluttony.

1. Earn my sleep- This used to be my self made motto. Every day I will go to bed knowing that I did something to better myself.
2. Competition Shape- Not looking to suck down to 76KG/167.5 anymore but would like to hover around the 80KG/176. I am 190 at 5'11" now.
3. Enter a tournament- I would like to enter another BJJ tournament next year.

How I will do this

1. Sleep: I want to get to bed by 10 :)30 at the latest) and wake up at 5:)30 at the latest). If I can, I want to get in some exercise be it, running, shadow boxing or kettle bell swings in the morning.
2. Drinkable Calories: I usually only drink tea, veg/fruit juice or black coffee. Beer and Booze is my weak point. Gonna try and cut down on the casual drinking and save it for the big events I have with my teachers.
3. MFP- I'll give this a go. The problem is that a lot of the foods I eat here in Japan don't come up in their database. I have to eat white rice for lunch at school here but I will try and cut out carbs for dinner and only eat oatmeal in the morning.
4. Train for Drago...and then some- I typically don't care for traditional weight training. I like hitting the heavy bag, kettle bells, bodyweight exercises and hitting a tire with a sledgehammer. I will continue to do these things and maybe try to incorporate a weight lifting program.
5. Consistency At the very least, I will be working out three days a week and have active rest (hiking, biking, swimming) on one day.

Tonight I will go to the gym after work and update.
Welcome both Adrews and good luck! I understand getting in shape for your children, at almost 45 my youngest is only 2 and a half so I want to be healthy to see her grown up and see her father as someone who is strong and not an old man who might be gone before she has children of her own.
Day 1 down... Well more of 1/2 a day since I started late in the day... Managed to keep my calories to around 1400 and walked a couple miles. Tomorrow will be the first full day.
Today did a 4 mile run plus another 10 walking and intake of 1700 so far but I'll probably take in another 200 before bed. Today I weighed in at 162.6 pounds but I expect that to go up a bit tomorrow since I got to sleep in today.
Been taking it kinda easy this weekend (my weekend with the kids). But tomorrow starts my AM gym routine before work. My plan is to get to the gym between 5-5:30 tomorrow!
Alright. Was very tired after getting out of work late today but made it to the gym.

15 minutes on the stationary bike for a warm up. Stretched then did 3-2 minute rounds of shadow boxing followed by 3-2 minute rounds on the heavy bag. Followed it up with 10 minutes of jump rope and ran a mile in just under 9 minutes.

I was a little disappointed in how tired I was running but I figured I would take it easy and set my expectations at a reasonable level. Went to the market and stocked up on apples, bananas, broccoli and other healthy goodies for the week.
Update on my 90 day challenge:

All my calorie totals can be found on my wight loss thread.

I got to the gym for the first time in almost a week, and hit the weights, and treadmill, and ski trainer. 2 hours of pent up frustrations released, only to have new ones added onto me that night. Had a rough night last night, and was about to go binge eat, but I chose to calm down before going for my 2000 calorie meal (ended up getting only 1 plain McChicken and large coke for ~600 calories ). Ended up under due to eating a late breakfast, and no lunch, and a light supper. I am trying to focus on using ~1000 calories for breakfast and lunch combined, and the rest for supper/late night snack.
For my gym workout, I restarted the StrongLifts 5X5 program. This is two workouts that you alternate between, 3 times per week.

Workout A: Squat, Bench Press, Barbell Row
Workout B: Squat, Overhead Press, Deadlift

Each workout is 5 sets of 5 reps (except Deadlift is just 1 set), at the same weight. The next day you do the exercise, you add 5 lbs to the bar. If you can't complete a rep or a set, you keep the weight the same until you pass it. It is designed to build strength. I like it because it is pretty simple, and the weight room intimidates me and confuses me. This was my first time doing it at my current gym and I had a hard time finding areas to do the things I needed to. I hate the weight room.

After Workout A, I did 10 min on the eliptical, 10 min on the row machine, and 10 minute bike. I'm prettyy tired and sore (especially form the squats). We'll see how I feel tomorrow.
Update on my 90 day challenge:

All my calorie totals can be found on my wight loss thread.

I got to the gym for the first time in almost a week, and hit the weights, and treadmill, and ski trainer. 2 hours of pent up frustrations released, only to have new ones added onto me that night. Had a rough night last night, and was about to go binge eat, but I chose to calm down before going for my 2000 calorie meal (ended up getting only 1 plain McChicken and large coke for ~600 calories ). Ended up under due to eating a late breakfast, and no lunch, and a light supper. I am trying to focus on using ~1000 calories for breakfast and lunch combined, and the rest for supper/late night snack.

It looks like you have learned to control your comfort eating and that's real progress. Hope things go better for you this week in the stress department.
For my gym workout, I restarted the StrongLifts 5X5 program. This is two workouts that you alternate between, 3 times per week.

Workout A: Squat, Bench Press, Barbell Row
Workout B: Squat, Overhead Press, Deadlift

Each workout is 5 sets of 5 reps (except Deadlift is just 1 set), at the same weight. The next day you do the exercise, you add 5 lbs to the bar. If you can't complete a rep or a set, you keep the weight the same until you pass it. It is designed to build strength. I like it because it is pretty simple, and the weight room intimidates me and confuses me. This was my first time doing it at my current gym and I had a hard time finding areas to do the things I needed to. I hate the weight room.

After Workout A, I did 10 min on the eliptical, 10 min on the row machine, and 10 minute bike. I'm prettyy tired and sore (especially form the squats). We'll see how I feel tomorrow.

The 5x5 workout is a classic and it works! I understand hating th weight room and where I workout it's always crowded and it's a cramped area so you have to negotiate to work in a lot. Not to mention the people are pigs there and most just leave the weights lying around when they are finished. I wish they would take the clean area philosophy to heart and start suspending memberships for people who cannot be bothered to put their weights back. (Ok end of rant -- and breath!)
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