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Vie-Long 13710C

Item Description

This is an inexpensive boar brush - I paid $14 for it.

The major problem with this brush is that it isn't dense. Boar brushes are typically quite dense (I'm looking at my Semogues) and this may be my least dense brush.

I'm a face latherer, and this brush holds enough for about two passes - and that is stretching it. It may be best to bowl lather with this brush.

The bristles themselves are quite good - nice stiffness and the kind of softness I'd expect from a boar.

The handle is molded - you can see and feel the seams - but is ergonomic and comfortable to hold.

This brush may be best used as a 'travel' brush since it is inexpensive and (due to being less dense) dries out quicker. It's fairly compact for a boar.

Overall I don't recommend this brush; at this price point you can get a Tweezerman badger, or an Omega; and for a bit more, a Semogue (my recommendation.)

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If you face lather first and formost, this is a brush that is built for you. I can only describe this brush as a blast to the past of Everreadys.

Price- its not expensive and the solid handle and good quality knot will last.

Quality-I marked it down a notch because the molded handle will not win any beauty contest. It is built much tougher than an Omega though. This handle won't crack on you like the Omegas.

Density-I find the density perfect for face lathering. I have way more dense boar brushes that I dont use because they don't work as good directly on the face.

Stiffness and softness of tips- this brush has plenty of backbone and the tips are very soft.

Ergo- The handle works and doesnt slip. I like it

Latherability-This is where this little guy shines. It lathers like crazy directly on the face. If any of you older guys remember the EverReadys of yesteryear, you just swirl this bad boy on soap for 10 seconds and facelather for 30 and you will be very happy. This is the brush for those that don't have time to light aroma therapy candles and put on soothing Yanni CDs while they shave. This is a solid brush for those of you that need a good lather done quickly so you can shave and be at work in time lookin good.
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
5.00 star(s)
Stiffness of Tips
5.00 star(s)
This is an inexpensive boar brush - I paid $14 for it.

The major problem with this brush is that it isn't dense. Boar brushes are typically quite dense (I'm looking at my Semogues) and this may be my least dense brush.

I'm a face latherer, and this brush holds enough for about two passes - and that is stretching it. It may be best to bowl lather with this brush.

The bristles themselves are quite good - nice stiffness and the kind of softness I'd expect from a boar.

The handle is molded - you can see and feel the seams - but is ergonomic and comfortable to hold.

This brush may be best used as a 'travel' brush since it is inexpensive and (due to being less dense) dries out quicker. It's fairly compact for a boar.

Overall I don't recommend this brush; at this price point you can get a Tweezerman badger, or an Omega; and for a bit more, a Semogue (my recommendation.)
4.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
2.00 star(s)
Stiffness of Tips
4.00 star(s)

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