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Tom's of Maine - "Refreshing Mint" Conditioning Shave Cream

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Normally, before I allow myself to review a product, I will use it exclusively for a week. This, however, is not a normal situation and is definitely not a normal product. I am so completely WOWed by this stuff, that I simply can't wait to tell you guys about it.

Price - $5.99 for 3.6oz = $1.66 an oz. It's like stealing!

Scent - The "Refreshing Mint" scent is super, and as Tom's of Maine makes natural products, it is derived from Peppermint Oil. If you like the Hydrolast Peppermint products, this stuff is a no-brainer.

Moisturizing Properties - This stuff contains: Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, & Glycerin as skin conditioners. It is amazing! My face felt an looked so good today that I actually received multiple comments from my co-workers.

Packaging - It is average, and I don't care. This product is of such quality that you could sell it in used sandwich baggies, and I would gladly wait in line to get my hands on it.

Latherability - Let me preface this section by saying that this is designed to be a brushless cream. It contains vegetable soaps to create the rich lather. The directions recommend hand-lathering, but who here really follows directions? When I got home from the store, I headed straight for my brush and the rest is history in the making.

Finally, the pics.

Soaking the brush.

Using an almond-sized dollop/squeeze of cream

20 swirls into the lather process

Several more swirls (I not count so good)

More swirls and then the ever-popular B&B hand-lather-test. (Look at the lather that's still in the bowl!)

Next, I squeezed all of the lather out of the brush, washed out the bowl, added about a Tbsp. of water to my bowl and went back to swirling. This stuff just doesn't stop!

I produced enough lather to shave for a week, and it was a quality lather. Incredibly lubricating and tingly. After the hand-lather-test, my hand was even tingling.

Quality/Efficacy - Tom's of Maine Refreshing Mint Shave Cream is as good or better than any product I have ever used. I will stand it up beside any Taylor's or Trumper's cream on the market! The only people that won't love this stuff are those who hate peppermint or hate great shaves. If you can't get a great shave from it, then you must be holding the razor with your feet (no offense to anyone who actually does this).

I have never felt this strongly about ANY other shaving product. Seriously, if you don't try this stuff, you are cheating yourself out of an economically priced, top-notch cream.

**Any comments/questions regarding this review can be posted here.

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I can't really rate this stuff fairly. I like the chocalate chip mint ice cream scent, but it's the only shaving product that my wife has put her foot down on and banned from our house, based on the scent!

It's very servicable, and at a closeout price of a few dollars it's a pretty nice bargain, but alas, for me it's not meant to be....:mad3:
I was cruising Grocery Outlet and saw Toms Mint for $2.50. Had heard such good things about it and for the price i figured what the heck. I was rather pleased with the extreme minty feeling and lather size. However it took much more water than my RSC cream. I would guess partly because how hard the creme is. I was also disappointed on it's lack of slickness and moisturizing capabilities. Each time i've used this it's left my skin dry, thus having to result to using AS balm. If you try to use it to achieve uberlather you will be a bit disappointed too. Because its hard and takes more effort breaking it down in your soap mug... otherwise you'll find clumps of it sticking to the side. Instead i've resulted to lathering in a separate mug and using it alone.

Pros: price $2.50, minty tingling,

Cons: lacks slickness/moisturizer, hard creme requiring LOTS water, can't use with soap puck cause it clumps up if not broken down with lots water
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Moisturizing Properties
3.00 star(s)
I bought this from Whole Foods after reading the reviews here. I wasn't expecting a whole lot, but boy did this shaving cream deliver!!

Price: You can't go wrong with paying just a little more than $5 for a shaving cream of this quality.

Quality: I can't compare it to the more expensive creams and soaps as I haven't tried those. I am quite prepared to believe that this may not be as good as a $15-30 product, but by how much?? For the price, this is a great quality product.

Scent: I'm not sure how much I like my shaving cream smelling like toothpaste.

Latherability: This lathers very quickly. Peaks within a minute with a badger brush. However, it seems to get runny on sitting. So my second pass onwards did not have the firmness I'd like. I used more than the almond sized dollop to start with.

Efficacy: This allows a very good, lubricated shave. No problems with the runny lather on my later passes. It still worked fine. You may be able to get away without splashing water on your face between passes (haven't tried it).

Moisturizing: It seems to be moisturizing enough. No dryness, but I rarely have problems with dryness.

Packaging: It's in a tube....what's there to dislike in that package? Added advantage that the tube is metal.

In conclusion, this is a good product with a great price. If I had found this earlier I may never have bought any more expensive product. It's not brilliant, but it does the job really well.
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Moisturizing Properties
4.00 star(s)

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