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Sharp Stainless - Version 2

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A short while back, my good friend Rene (SSLStudio) sent me a 5-Pack of Sharp razor blades. It regrettably took me longer than I had intended to test them and sadly took even longer to get a review put together. With my sincerest apologies to Rene for the delay, here are my thoughts…

Price – The only way I currently know how to get hands on these bad boys is to order them from Rene. Luckily, Rene’s prices are exceptional.

Sharpness – While these aren’t the sharpest blades on the market, I believe that they would easily land on most gents’ top 5 list and realistically in the top 3. They are certainly plenty sharp enough to provide a nice shave.

Longevity – The longevity or durability of these blades would be their Achilles heel. I comfortably get 2-3 shaves from each blade and can squeeze out a fourth if necessary but not without some mild irritation.

Smoothness of Shave – In a word, Remarkable! This is the only blade that I have used which can consistently compete with a Derby in the smoothness category. The Sharp’s blades are very easy to shave with.

Packaging – I find the packaging of these blades very interesting. Upon initial inspection, I was very non-plussed by the cardboard 5-Pack as I’ve come to enjoy the plastic hard case employed by Derby/Feather/Merkur. While the box itself is certainly nothing special, I do quite enjoy the double wrapping of each blade.

This feature allows you to toss a couple of blades into the shave kit without worry of the edges being damaged in transit.

Quality – I rank the overall quality of this product quite highly and have a great respect for Sharp’s blades. I would love it if they lasted for a few more shaves, but at their current price, they are quite a bargain.

Overall – While testing these blades, I had the opportunity to both use them at home and while traveling. While I don’t think the Sharp’s will be replacing my beloved Derby’s anytime soon, they certainly are a blade that I will purchase for my travel kit and that I will gladly recommend to any of my shave brethren.

For discussion on the Sharp razor blade, see this thread.

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Smooth. Forgiving. Sharp enough for me.

The price is not bad for a stainless steel blade.

The quality looks to be very good.

Sharp enough for several DFSs with 3 or 4 passes. I swap out after 3 shaves, but only because of the longevity ratings here. I will try for more and see what happens, or not. At this price they are a deal at 3 shaves.

Longevity = undetermined. I have been pitching them after 3 shaves. Never a bad experience.

Smoothness is great with proper preparation. I shower, whip up a super lather, take my time.

Packaging is nice and sensible. No plastic. Two wrappers. No glue.

I like low-cost stainless steel blades. These are similar to the Shark SS blade, perhaps my favorite. SS blades serve me well in a Feather stainless steel razor, or an HD, or a Futur, or a classic Merkur.. Zero irritation, no burn, no weepers, no problems. Shaving with this gear is comfortable and painless. I don't need platinum, chrome, or exotic coatings to get DFSs. YMMV.
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
5.00 star(s)
I was quite surprised when I tried these the first time. I received them free with an order of other essentials, and soon ordered more. I had been using Feathers and was getting some of the best shaves of my life, though the price of Feather blades was a little much for me. Sharp blades seem to be quite as good as the Feather, but without the smoothness I associate with Feather shaves.

The downside to these is that they do not last long at all. After three shaves, out it goes, or irritation will be a major problem. On the other hand, they are cheaper than Feather, and I can only get about five shaves from a Feather, so the value is better with Sharp.

Highly recommended blade.
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
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3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
4.00 star(s)
These blades have earned a solid "B" in my razors. They were part of the WCS "everything" sampler, and they cost about $16 per hundred in bulk. I have used these blades with a "Chessman" vintage Merkur slant and with the new-ish incarnation of the Mühle R89.

My first shave with the Sharp did not go well, but as my technique has stabilized I find that I can get 3-4 good shaves from each blade. The fourth shave generally isn't as close, but is still fairly smooth.

I doubt that I will replace the five-pack, but they did give me some excellent shaves.
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
4.00 star(s)

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