Items by Kyle

0.59 star(s) 39 ratings
For evaluation purposes, I tried these blades with Merkur HD, Merkur LH, and Merkur Slant Bar razors. Throughout testing, I rotated between various high-end creams and soaps and also used 4 different brushes (Rooney, Shavemac, & 2 different Simpson’s). All products and equipment used are items that I am highly familiar/experienced with and items that deliver consistently excellent results. As a bit of background on the blades I’ve used, for a brief time I served as a blade tester for an...
2.50 star(s) 2 ratings
Well, following the old adage that a picture is worth 1000 words, here is my 23,000+ word review. :biggrin: Total Height - 88mm Handle Height - 41 mm Bristle Loft - 47mm Knot Diameter - 23mm Comparison Pics: 26mm Shavemac, CH1 in Best, PJ3 in Super Top view In looking at the bristle tips, you can see that the PJ3 Super has definitively whiter tips than the CH1 Best. That being said, if you look at the bases of the two brushes, they look identical in color. After...
My job requires me to take multiple, week-long trips throughout the year. When going on one of these trips, I like to intentionally forget a toiletry or two as it gives me an excuse/motivation to shop the area in which I’m staying. On one of my more recent excursions I stopped into a Whole Foods to pick up a bar of bath soap (I hate the stuff they have at hotels). After fulfilling this need with a bar of Bee & Flower Sandalwood soap, I took a trip down the isle containing all of the...
Typically when I review a product, I try to use it exclusively for a week and then intermittently to compare directly with other products. On occasion a product performs so poorly that this method is not possible, and this is one such occasion. Despite the variation from my normal evaluation techniques, I do feel that I’ve now used the product enough times to allow for a fair and thorough rating/evaluation in all categories. Price – This is a value priced cream. You could easily...
A short while back, my good friend Rene (SSLStudio) sent me a 5-Pack of Sharp razor blades. It regrettably took me longer than I had intended to test them and sadly took even longer to get a review put together. With my sincerest apologies to Rene for the delay, here are my thoughts… Price – The only way I currently know how to get hands on these bad boys is to order them from Rene. Luckily, Rene’s prices are exceptional. Sharpness – While these aren’t the sharpest blades on the...
Price – The Saint Charles Shave shave crèmes are competitively priced. While not the cheapest shave cream on the market, this product still represents a great bargain when you consider its high quality. Scent – I’ve been fortunate enough to try 4 of the 5 scents that Sue currently has available (Very V, Bay Rum, Fairway, & Lime) and have been very pleased by all of them. I know that Sue holds each product she develops under a very extreme level of scrutiny before ever releasing one to...
0.12 star(s) 33 ratings
Price - In relation to price, T&H is the middle child of the 3 T's. It is not so expensive that it hurts, but it is priced highly enough that you may want to try a sample before purchasing a whole tub. Luckily, samples are not difficult to come by (I've found Nordstrom's to be very generous). Scent - The scent was the primary selling point for me. While standing in the store, I cracked open a tub and after a few whiffs, I couldn't make myself put this stuff down. The smell is...
0.38 star(s) 93 ratings
Side by side comparison to the HD. Side by side with HD - side view. Close-Up of the Slant's head. Price - These razors sell for the same price as the HD with the gold model costing an extra $6-10. This puts the Slant Bar in the low to middle price range, however, like the HD, when you consider the quality of the item, you are getting it for a bargain. Grip - The handle of the Slant Bar is identical to that of the HD. It is gnarled and has a textured pommel which allow for...
0.54 star(s) 68 ratings
Q. What can I say that everyone doesn't already know about Proraso? A. Nothing, but I'm going to repeat a few sentiments anyway. There is something comforting about the use of a product that has stood the test of time. This is a high quality product that provides its own unique kind of luxury. As long as Proraso continues to do business, I will continue to buy and use their many wonderful products.
Pre-Bloom Post-Bloom Fully Lathered Price - I purchased this Shavemac right after the price-hike (I snoozed so I lost). That being said, I fully believe that it was worth every penny. I paid less for this brush than I did for my Vulfix #41, so while it wasn't cheap, you can't really call it an expensive brush either. Density - From my experience, this is a very densely packed brush. Stiffness/Softness of Tips - Until you've experienced a brush that has both stiffness...
A couple of weeks ago, while ordering some soaps and creams from a Turkish market, I came across Birsen's Tütün Kolonyası (tobacco cologne). As I am a huge fan of tobacco scented items, I figured, "hey, why not". Price - Roughly, 15oz for $7. Packaging - This cologne comes in a very cheap plastic bottle and the cap does not securely seal. The seller was aware of this problem as they hermetically sealed the bottle in plastic wrap before shipping. Staying Power - Forever...
Price - At about $1.60 an ounce, this is a very value priced cologne. Packaging - This cologne wasn't given a rating for packaging, because what you see is what you get. Despite the lack of a box, the bottle that it comes in is kind of cool. The only down side to the bottle is that it an open-mouth bottle which can make application a little bit messy or wasteful. After a few applications, I decided to decant this cologne into an atomizer and have been very pleased with the results...
Normally, before I allow myself to review a product, I will use it exclusively for a week. This, however, is not a normal situation and is definitely not a normal product. I am so completely WOWed by this stuff, that I simply can't wait to tell you guys about it. Price - $5.99 for 3.6oz = $1.66 an oz. It's like stealing! Scent - The "Refreshing Mint" scent is super, and as Tom's of Maine makes natural products, it is derived from Peppermint Oil. If you like the Hydrolast Peppermint...
I know that there are many gents who really like this product. It is, however, simply not for me. As I stated in a prior post, there could be an outside chance that I received a mildly defective tube, but I love my shaves way too much to take the chance of another tube's worth of average shaves. Price - It depends on whether you choose the tube or the tub. The following is a price by ounce comparison to Taylor's and Trumper's in tubes and tubs: Tubes C&E - 3.5oz - $15 - $4.29 per...
Like the jojoba oil, I had a difficult time determining which category this review should be placed in. As it can be used for more than an a/s product, I felt it most appropriately fit as a Skin & Body Care product. Price - This bottle was ordered from Mountain Rose Herbs at the non-sale price of $12.75. The amount of product consumed per use is very small, therefore, an 8 oz. bottle could potentially last for a very long time. Packaging - In a word, Terrible! It is unattractive and very...
I had a tough decision trying to decide whether this product needed to be reviewed as an a/s type product or a skin & body care type product. Since jojoba oil is not restricted to a/s use, I decided it best fit this category. Price - This 4 oz. bottle was purchased from a Whole Foods grocery store and cost around $10. Considering the small amount needed per application, 4 oz. should really last quite some time. Moisturizing/Quality/Efficacy - Inconceivably Great! When viewed at a...
0.14 star(s) 21 ratings
Taylor's Shaving Shop cream is noticeably different from the floral scented and Avocado creams that Taylor's makes. While some of the same qualities exist, it is lacking in others. I have not used any of Taylor's other "perfume" scented creams, but I would guess that, at least on my skin, they would perform similarly to the Shaving Shop. Scent - The Shaving Shop scent is really something special. It is an exceptionally crisp and clean smelling cream in which I find great pleasure...
0.13 star(s) 89 ratings
Taylor's Rose shaving cream is a top product in my books. I simply cannot imagine this cream ever leaving the rotation. Certainly there is some sentimental attraction as this was the first English cream that I ever owned, but this stuff is nice. Scent - In a word, magnificent. If you don't like rose scents then you would obviously disagree with this statement, but if you do, stop reading and go buy some now. Latherability - Like Taylor's Avocado, this lather from this cream is...
0.67 star(s) 12 ratings
The antique design of the handle makes this a very attractive razor for the collection. The open comb model, however, is not my choice for a great shave. Advertising for this model of razor reads, " version is preferred by men with a heavier beard." I have a heavy beard, so I went with this version. After extended use, I fail to see the benefit. Price - At $27, this is a very affordable razor. Grip - The 6-sided, faceted handle is visually appealing. It definitely makes this...
0.49 star(s) 39 ratings
Price: Since these wonders are no longer available new, one must resort to on-line auction, antique store, flea market, or estate sale to locate one. I was fortunate enough to win this razor on ebay for under $30 with shipping included. The good deals are out there, you just have to be patient. Quality: This razor was made to last. I am, at least, the second owner of this tool, and other than some minor wear marks, it is still in remarkable condition. User Friendly: The only...
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