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Savile Row 3824

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This is really an outstanding product.... now - by outstanding, I don't mean "good" and it's not just "outstanding" because it is reasonably priced... it's outstanding because it just plumb works and feels better than nearly any/every other shaving brush at ANY price... and hell - it's good looking and comfortable to boot!

So what makes this brush so special? Well - before we go there - i'd like to first address a rumor that Savile Row shaving brushes are made by Shavemac... well are they? Probably - but, and the BIG but, is this is NO shavemac, and I mean that in a good way. Now not that a shavemac is a bad brush, they're quite nice actually - but the shape, style, density, shape of hair, quality of hair, etc - are all vastly superior to Shavemacs. Just comparing and using this brush war brush side by side with the Shavemac brush war brush (of the same knot) really goes to show, this is a VASTLY superior product. So - before I delve into what makes this brush so special - let me say clear as day - who cares who makes this brush.... Charles from QED designs 'em, stands behind them, and inspects them... and for all of us who know Charles - we know he is very, VERY, VERY picky.

So - again, what makes this brush so special? Well - it works equally magnificent with shaving soaps as it does creams, which is quite rare for a shaving brush. Not only does it work superb with glycerin based soaps, but it kicks butt with tallow soaps, triple milled soaps, milk/clay soaps, etc. This sucker is just an all around performer.

Bristle - the bristle on this brush is quite dense, as much so as a Simpson PJ3... maybe even a touch denser - but the bristle is quite soft at the tip. This brush really has a VERY silky soft, delicate, magnificantly luxurious feeling. The brush will "splay" when pushed against your face, however retains it shape, and will immediatly spring back, so it can generate quite a "sucking" effect.

Handle - While the handle is plane jane white, and the Savile Row logo is a touch plain, the shape of the handle is outstanding and it is about the most comfortable brush money can/will buy.

Quality - Simply first rate. Feels great, loses 0 hair, and is something to really be proud to own.

Overall - If I had to recommend ONE brush from the brush wars - after one year of rigorous use, get this - it would be this moderatly priced Savile Row 3824. Considering this brush has gone against quite a few radically more expensive brushes - from VERY prestigeous firms, I must say this is incredibly impressive. Overall just an outstanding shaving brush, a superb value, and a gem to own. Of all the brush wars brushes - this is the one I reach for most.

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When Charles of QED is involved, it's hard to be disappointed; the 3824 is no exception.

For a modest price, you get a rather small but still very capable brush that works as well with soaps as it does with creams. Terrific all-arounder.

The 3824 may not be the densest brush in the world, but it's dense enough to load any shaving medium with ease and not be a burden to the user.

As far as the stiffness/softness is concerned, the hairs have ample backbone for it to not be relegated to "creams only", but soft enough to feel wonderful on the face.

For someone with large hands like myself, even though the brush is fairly small, it fits my hand fine and latherability is second to none.

Definitely recommended at the price point.
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
4.00 star(s)
Stiffness of Tips
3.00 star(s)
In my second year of use I really believe that the SR 3824 is all the brush I will ever need.
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
5.00 star(s)
Stiffness of Tips
2.00 star(s)
I went through a period of buying very dense brushes with small to medium sized knots, thinking that they were better suited for my use of soaps for lathering these days. These brushes were nice and I was getting good shaves from them, but I wanted to try something different. Remembering that the SR3824 won the first brush wars and having read all of the comments about it, I decided to select it. For one thing, it was a craft alternative to the Rooneys and Simpsons, but it was also counter to what I thought a shaver like me should use.

I have been extremely pleased with this brush. I am glad to have purchased it now, after Charles had shortened the loft on the knot, because the brush is a marvel. The knot has a nice density, but is not so dense that there is no flow through the hair. When you bounce your hand on top of the knot, the hairs have a very nice springiness, and combined with the silky soft tips makes for a luxurious shave. Face lathering with this brush is a dream. Given the density and springiness of the knot, it is not remotely floppy, so it performs like a brush with a smaller knot. The brush handles soaps and creams equally well, and was the first brush to make Cade soap work in my hands. It feels very good in hand, and is a pleasure to use. At the price QED charges, you get tremendous value for your money.
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
5.00 star(s)
Stiffness of Tips
3.00 star(s)

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