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Gillette Platinum

Item Description

These are not the Swedish Gillette blades. I believe these are made by Procter and Gamble in the UK. they are available in pretty much any local pharmacy (except Boots) at around £1 for 5 blades. They come in the standard Gillette dispenser, which allows easy access without any wrappers, and a place to store the used blades underneith the dispenser.


These blades are great, and in fact, I actually prefer these to Swedish Gs. They are quite smooth, and sharp. A little like Derby blades actually. Perhaps a little sharper. They last a reasonable time (around 4 shaves), and great value for just £1.

There's not much more to say really. Although they will not replace my Feather blades any time soon, they are great blades. The only thing I am not so fond of is the dispenser, simply because I prefer blades in wrappers, but that's just me I think.

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I found these at a local Walgreens (Hampton, VA). Haven't had a chance to try them yet, but mine say "Made in Russia" on the back. Would these be "Russian G's"?
These ARE the blades known as 'Swedish Gillettes'- all that's changed is the wording on the back of the packet. No-one really knows the country of manufacture- the reference to Sweden comes from the old packs having Stockholm listed first as a distribution centre.

Best blade out there IMO. When loaded in a Slant, it feels like there's no blade there, they're that smooth. No pulling or tugging whatsoever.
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
4.00 star(s)
These are not the Swedish Gillette blades. I believe these are made by Procter and Gamble in the UK. they are available in pretty much any local pharmacy (except Boots) at around £1 for 5 blades. They come in the standard Gillette dispenser, which allows easy access without any wrappers, and a place to store the used blades underneith the dispenser.


These blades are great, and in fact, I actually prefer these to Swedish Gs. They are quite smooth, and sharp. A little like Derby blades actually. Perhaps a little sharper. They last a reasonable time (around 4 shaves), and great value for just £1.

There's not much more to say really. Although they will not replace my Feather blades any time soon, they are great blades. The only thing I am not so fond of is the dispenser, simply because I prefer blades in wrappers, but that's just me I think.
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
4.00 star(s)

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