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Derby Extra - DE Razor Blades

Item Description

While evaluating these blades, I used them exclusively for 2 weeks and only in a Merkur HD. The first week was with Taylor's Avocado, and the second week was split between Taylor's Rose and Proraso. For the sake of argument, one may claim that these blades perform differently when used in a different razor or with a soap instead of a cream.

Price - If purchased through on-line auction, these blades can be anywhere from 15 to 25 cents a blade, but you must buy 100 blades. If purchased from Derby's website (not sure on minimum order size, but I believe it is the neighborhood of 1000 blades) then you could get a greater discount. If you choose to purchase these from a vendor (I have only seen one who sells them) then you could pay as much as $4 for a 5-pack. My recommendation would be to purchase through auction and if you don't like them, sell them.

Sharpness - While this is a very subjective area that many gents would be willing to argue about, I personally find these blades to be as sharp or sharper than any blade on the market except for maybe the feather blades. While I believe the feather blades to be sharper, I find that the Derby's lack any of the harshness/volatility that I experienced with the Feather's.

Longevity- I get 7 wonderful shaves from these blades. I really think that I could squeeze out a few more shaves, but at 15 cents a pop, its not really worth the risk.

Smoothness of Shave - These blades shave me as smoothly as any that I have used and without irritation.

Packaging - Derby's come in the same standard plastic packaging that Merkur's and Feather's come in with the one difference being that they are packaged in 5's instead of 10's. While there is nothing wrong or inconvenient with this method, I rank packaging at an 8 because (for all 3 companies) I feel this is an area currently being overlooked in the shaving industry.

Quality - The overall quality of these blades is fantastic. They provide the kind of shave that we, as men, should demand from our blades. The only thing that prevents me from making a bulk purchase of 1000+ blades is the fact that in the next six months there will probably be 2 or 3 more brands of blades surface in this forum, and I would like to be able to purchase them without arguing with my wife.

***There has been a lot of talk about the lack of a used blade slot with the Derby's. It does have one, as seen in the picture below.

Latest reviews

Pros: Forgiving
Cons: Picky about what razor its in
I first tired one of these in a Merkur and hated it. I didn't touch another one for a while. I then tried one in my Gillette Blue Tip and it was great! I loved it and it gave me a great shave consistently. I loved it so much I decided to try it in my ball tech, and hated it! It pulls in both my tech and Merkur but is smooth as butter in the blue tip.

I don't know. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" accurately describes my feelings toward Derby Extra.
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
3.00 star(s)
Pros: price and availability
Cons: durability
This is a good blade, definitely not the best I've ever tried but far from the worst. They don't seem to last more than three shaves for me, but they provide a comfortable close shave with just about any razor I use them in. They are also readily available at my local Sally Beauty supply store so I won't run out.
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
4.00 star(s)
Pros: forgiving, dependable, economical blade
Cons: not the smoothest of shaves
I've put off using these until today. I can honestly say these seem (for me) another good daily "go to" blade.
Used in a Sanguine Steel shavette this morning - like the well mannered Dorco 300 I've used previously, these are another very forgiving blade... Maybe tolerant would be a more accurate word.
You will still get cut if your technique is "off". You will get cut if you rush at it and assume you're going to be okay... and if you're a bit too vigorous rash will occur.
However, post-shave overall the overall feel of my skin is none too bad... maybe a wee bit delicate in some places (the lower neck R/H side - my usual Achilles heel) , but not like the kind of "rage of fire" I would get with a quick shave with an awful cartridge based shaver.
The end result, for me is where these blades kind of loose points is the finish. There are still some areas that aren't as smooth as I would like... (neck R/H as usual sadly) However, where they get one back is price. Even in the small amount I got (25 blades isn't a massive quantity) these represent SUPERB value for money. When you look to get them in bulk, the blade price becomes around 2p a blade....
So to sum up: A good blade for the novice, with enough "bite" to remind you to stay focused on shaving... maybe not as smooth finish as some may like, but at this price that I feel can be forgiven.
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
3.00 star(s)

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0.45 star(s) 179 ratings

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