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The B&B's First Ever- LE Fountain Pen *****Update Post #1 And # 360

As much as others and I appreciate all this, I had a damn good feeling it would be an Edison and an even better feeling that I'd wind up passing on it due to price. I'm really just starting to get into fountain pens and I can't rationalize spending that much for the time being. Sorry, all. Thanks again for all your hard work! Maybe I'll catch one in the near future on the BST. Yea, that'll happen :(
If it helps any I have a green UK Parker Duofold and the gold looks perfect.
The gold will get a nice patina over time that should look just dandy.
(dandy?.. eh whatever)

No, you're not helping any. Really, you're not.

Two or three months ago, I decided that I didn't need any more pens. I had purchased enough for a long while. Then the FPN LE pen came along and I said "OK, there's room for one more." I was finished buying pens again. Now we get a B&B pen out of the blue and it's from a pen maker whom I've always heard the highest praise about. Ok, I guess I have room for ONE MORE, but this time it's really the last one!

Oh, and the same went for the B&B ink. I decided that I didn't need any more ink, as I have enough to last years. Of course, the ink purchase came around and I reversed my position quite quickly. All within such a short period of "The Nib" subforum opening up, too.

While my Fountain Pens are mainly utilitarian, I had decided to splurge on one nice pen, and had been lusting after a few. The same with inks. I don't need any more ink, but I had to get 5 O'Clock Shadow. I don't need another pen, fountain or otherwise. But that pen sure does look nice.
48/ 36, whatever...i have to give her some sort of story...i am trying to convince myself that i will be allowed in bed tonight...you gotta give a guy a break.
48/ 36, whatever...i have to give her some sort of story...i am trying to convince myself that i will be allowed in bed tonight...you gotta give a guy a break.

I think you may be referring to the pen being sold by WCS alongside the 5 O'clock shadow ink?


Staff member
Aw gee... I saw the price and thought it a little too rich for my blood at the moment... And then I watched the video and saw how it was made... And now I am looking down the back of the sofa for all the pennies I was supposed to save.

In my case I would like to share my joy in having completed all requirements to achieve my professional designation as a CMA. No this is not to be confused with Country Music Association, it is Certified Management Accountant. This is a Canadian designation similar to the US CPA (Car Park Attendant?). So at 51 years of age having gone back to school, I am a newly minted CMA (convocation in October) with 30 years of experience in accounting.

Congrats, Mike. As an ops guy who viewed cost modeling as an avocation, particularly Activity Based Costing, I'm impressed. Good fortune to you.
I have stuggled against the temptation to jump in on this amazing group buy for the past 2 days. Everywhere I looked I saw green/black swirls. My willpower is pathetic and I have succumbed to the siren's call once again! I guess I won't be getting anything for Christmas or birthdays for the next decade or two... But I'll be able to write in my journal with style and pleasure!
Aw gee... I saw the price and thought it a little too rich for my blood at the moment... And then I watched the video and saw how it was made... And now I am looking down the back of the sofa for all the pennies I was supposed to save.


You were going to get it the whole time. Don't fool yourself. :lol:
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