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Russia made blades questions

Your wizamets aren't coming directly from Russia are they? I don't think we will have a problem. Another country will import them and we will buy from them. But I might use it as a reason to buy more.
I have circa 350 wizamets, and today ordered 100 Gillette Perma-Sharps. That covers me for a while on Russian blades. I may order another 100 Perma-Sharps. I'm not sure where Super Max Blue Diamond Titaniums were made, but, I have 100 of those too. I doubt I will need blades again anytime soon, as I go well into double digit shaves on a good blade.


Goose Poop Connoisseur
Is anyone concerned that the current situation in Russia/Ukraine could lead to Russian DE blades becoming unavailable in the US and elsewhere?
As most of my favorite blades come from St. Petersburg, I've just purchased a few hundred. Just curious what you all think.
Perhaps shipped to Ukrain.


Remember to forget me!
My favourites also include Wilkinson Sword from Germany, Feather from Japan, and Derby Premiums from Turkey. I also have Personna from Israel, and SuperMax from India. I haven't tried BIC from Greece yet, but I hear they are quite good. Egyptian blades haven't worked so well for me so far, but if absolutely every other avenue closed, I'm sure I could find something there I could use. If not, my 600 hundred blades should tide me over a while, especially since the current Feather blade just did shave number 25 today...
My favourites also include... from Germany, ...from Japan, ...from Turkey, ...from Israel, and ...from India.
I'm working on this spread it around idea. As good as they are I'd like to ween off Gillette blades entirely. The search allows a fellow an interesting world tour of sorts in blades. It's been interesting, trying but interesting. Moscow, Pakistan, Egypt, Turkey, Korea etc. certainly have good blades too.
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As you can see, I'm somewhat prepared... GILLETTE & RUSSIAN.jpgPERSONNA, DERBY, GILLETTE.jpgPOLSILVER CASE.jpgGILLETTE & RUSSIAN +.jpg
I would be fine using personna and feathers and lord/supermax blades. I would just use my 7 o' clocks sharpedges even more slowly than I already am. If they disappeared I might wonder why I didn't buy a pack of 100 rapira platinum luxes.
I have plenty of blades, but I wouldn't mind getting a few 100 more Nacet and Perma-Sharp just to be sure.

Btw, does anyone knows if Nacet blades are sold in Turkey like Perma-Sharp blades are? I'm might visit Turkey in the next few weeks or I might wait for a friend of mine to return from there and tell him to buy me some Arko sticks and blades.
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Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
It’s funny that in every hobby there is always an impending apocalypse that makes people buy lifetime supplies of stuff they fear might disappear. And the most revered stuff is the stuff that isn’t made any longer (usually because nobody thought it was anything special when it was made). And the best stuff is the old stuff, mass-produced with old technology but which somehow has Stradivarius-esque magic.

Every hobby is like that.

Anyway, I don’t think it is very likely that Gillette will suddenly become unable to make any razor blades.
I'm pretty international with blades. Russia, of course, but also U.S., Japan, Germany, Greece, Egypt, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam. I like trying a variety of things. With a 7+ year supply, no need to worry about running out for quite a while.
I doubt it. There’s essentially no US distribution network for DE razor blades and the pandemic hasn’t had an effect on blade availability. If anything quality has gone up and prices down, despite overall supply chain disruptions.

This is probably more of a ploy by Putin to be a PITA that can go away with concessions of Ukraine and while Biden is mired in domestic issues. The proliferation of ATGM/HEAT weapons, a paper army, and a need to maintain a Middle East presence would lead me to believe that Russia will not actually invade.
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