Good morning gang,
Firstly I’d like to do a formal introduction to set the stage for my question.
My wife and I with our boy and girl.
A couple years ago we started to face a lot of health challenges for my wife. Long story short we went from doctor to doctor and even paid out of pocket for specialists to find out what was going on. After a long journey my wife was diagnosed with multiple auto immune diseases.
Along the way hundreds of tests were conducted. Environmental factors and diet are the most impactful for her situation.
In the end we go to great measures to eliminate as many environmental toxins as possible and eat as “clean” of foods as we are able to buy and grow. My wife even makes all of our own soaps that are completely natural.
So, one of the factors harming her system was Teflon and plastics. Without going into a chemistry course on how it could possibly be a moot point I would like to see if we can compile a comprehensive list of blade coatings? I’ve been to so many specialists that at this point if it’s toxic at any temperature I would rather avoid it.
Recently Wiskey sent me a variety pack of blades to try out!
Randomly I picked up the made in Germany Bolzano pack. I read about them and noted the coating is titanium. I already liked that better than teflon.
As I spent a few hours researching coatings I noticed it wasn’t always definitively stated and blades seem to shift manufacturers with the wind.
So, for starters does anyone know if there is already a list that shows the blade coatings for each blade?
Oh and btw I’m just recently back to wet shaving and really enjoying joining this community!!
Thank you!
Firstly I’d like to do a formal introduction to set the stage for my question.
My wife and I with our boy and girl.
A couple years ago we started to face a lot of health challenges for my wife. Long story short we went from doctor to doctor and even paid out of pocket for specialists to find out what was going on. After a long journey my wife was diagnosed with multiple auto immune diseases.
Along the way hundreds of tests were conducted. Environmental factors and diet are the most impactful for her situation.
In the end we go to great measures to eliminate as many environmental toxins as possible and eat as “clean” of foods as we are able to buy and grow. My wife even makes all of our own soaps that are completely natural.
So, one of the factors harming her system was Teflon and plastics. Without going into a chemistry course on how it could possibly be a moot point I would like to see if we can compile a comprehensive list of blade coatings? I’ve been to so many specialists that at this point if it’s toxic at any temperature I would rather avoid it.
Recently Wiskey sent me a variety pack of blades to try out!
Randomly I picked up the made in Germany Bolzano pack. I read about them and noted the coating is titanium. I already liked that better than teflon.
As I spent a few hours researching coatings I noticed it wasn’t always definitively stated and blades seem to shift manufacturers with the wind.
So, for starters does anyone know if there is already a list that shows the blade coatings for each blade?
Oh and btw I’m just recently back to wet shaving and really enjoying joining this community!!
Thank you!