I was in Giant Eagle gocery last night. I don't. normally shop there, but was looking for anthonys face wash when I came across a big display table of zum bar goatsmilk soap display. They had a huge table filled with different scents in different size bars cut from the blocks, which were under the table. $1.69 per ounce seemed like a good price so I grabbed a lavender and rosemary and a lavender and frankincense , both smelled really nice. They had probably 15 -20 different scents. They also had prepackaged 3.5 oz bars for $5.99 I think. Anyone else come across this soap? Or if you have a Giant Eagle in upscale neighborhood check it out. They also had a pretty good mens skin care section with Aos, kmf anthonys etc. Pretty well stocked for a grocer. Anyway I hope this soap performs as well as it smells.