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You are forced to thin your soap herd to 3...which ones?

Mike's Orange, Black Pepper, and Cedarwood
Van Der Hagen Deluxe ( haven't tried luxury )

Haven't tried a whole lot else. I love that I can melt the VDH and add scents, but I wish it performed closer to Mike's.
And Arko smells great and performs well.
For my part (these are all recent purchases due to AD) :

Proraro Green

Any GFT Basically


The choice was hard tough!
A slight change from last year's post. Top 3 this year are:

1. DRH (any scent but Marlborough)
2. GFT Rose
3. Ogallala Bay Rum

If there were a #4, it would be Mike's Hungarian Lavender.
Easy one.

1.Mitchell's Wool Fat-great face feel during and after the shave.
2.Mike's Barber shop-almost as good as the Fat-almost.
3.Lea shave stick-slightly behind the first two but still a fantastic soap.

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