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You are forced to thin your soap herd to 3...which ones?

3 soaps? Only 3!? Forget it -- I couldn't do it. But if I absolutely HAD to do it, my choices would prob be:

Vintage Yardley - love the smell & the performance
Mike's Natural Soaps - Orange/Cedarwood/Black Pepper - scent & performance
QCS - Mysore Sandalwood croap - scent & performance
In no particular order, Mitchell's Wool Fat, Mike's Orange & Cedarwood & Black Pepper, Tabac.

Those would serve me very well.
I don't have a herd but if I had to make a list...

1. Saponeria Artigiana - Sapone da Barba Vegetale alla Mandorla (an Italian soft soap), which is my current one,
2. Speick stick
3. Probably Valobra Mandorla.

Although this could change at any time in the future, I could shave happily to the end of my days with any of these.
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That's what I have, all I have in my rotation. Great title!
Halslinger Sheep milk & lanolin (don't have it yet but incoming from WCS!) Prior to this I had Almod. SO done with almond. No more. Nada, zilch, it's kaput.

Ok, so technically I have two & some thumb size samples from long ago.
1. Palmolive stick
2. Palmolive stick
3. Palmolive stick



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I only have three at the moment: MdC, DR Harris Arlington and GFT Limes. The Limes is nearly finished, but I still have another puck that I got at the same time as the wooden bowl original.

If I ever finish these, I would definitely replace the MdC and DRH, but I might try a different third soap.

Funny seeing this almost a year on: I have Cade in the mix now and it may well have edged Limes out of the picture.
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