I bought one of these Vegan brushes that are up for sale on Ebay at the moment. (Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with the seller, other than as a customer.) I must say, this is possibly the softest thing I've ever brushed against my face. It's like shaving with a chinchilla, but without the claws and teeth and rodent smell. It's also a classy looking brush. You can't see it very well in the seller's picture, but it is black with a Tyrolean-style double-headed eagle stamped on it in gold. Above it reads "Gold & Chocolate" and below "Shave and Protect".
That's the good news. On the down side, it's also a very floppy brush. Not surprising, seeing as how it's made by Vulfix. And like my other nylon bristle brush, it's a definite lather hog. I had to squeeze the lather out several times as I was trying to whip it up.
This definitely isn't the brush for someone looking for "scrubby". But if you have very sensitive skin and are looking for something super-soft, this might be worth checking out. At $22 shipped, it's a pretty good deal, as well.
That's the good news. On the down side, it's also a very floppy brush. Not surprising, seeing as how it's made by Vulfix. And like my other nylon bristle brush, it's a definite lather hog. I had to squeeze the lather out several times as I was trying to whip it up.
This definitely isn't the brush for someone looking for "scrubby". But if you have very sensitive skin and are looking for something super-soft, this might be worth checking out. At $22 shipped, it's a pretty good deal, as well.