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Won ! A brand new Mergress XL

Paid a little more than what it sells for at Lee's ($152.50 vs $114.95) but couldn't wait out the wait list. With my luck, Lee's will have it available next week I imagine. So the cost of my impatience and AD appears to be $37.55.

It will take it's place alongside my Futur and Vision. I look forward to the variety as I love the Futur and the Vision is coming in at a close second now that I have a few more shaves under my belt with it.

I need an intervention.:001_07:
They are definitely nice razors, but $37+ for AD? Eh...I would have waited. It's not like they are going anywhere.
But like you, I am an impatient person, and if I see something I want, I want it NOW. :lol:

Hope you enjoy it!
It's definitely not something I needed. But then, neither do I need to have a multitude of different creams, soaps, aftershaves, etc. Thing is... I know that I'll settle down here one day and you'll no doubt see these for sale.
As long as most of the kids are being fed and there is a good chance you'll keep a roof over your head, then I say enjoy!!
Paid a little more than what it sells for at Lee's ($152.50 vs $114.95) but couldn't wait out the wait list. With my luck, Lee's will have it available next week I imagine. So the cost of my impatience and AD appears to be $37.55.

It will take it's place alongside my Futur and Vision. I look forward to the variety as I love the Futur and the Vision is coming in at a close second now that I have a few more shaves under my belt with it.

I need an intervention.:001_07:

If it brings you joy, it's worth it. I have a Mergress and love it. I've benched it temporarily as I've just received my new Titan R1 and am test driving it. Congrats in the new Mergress and enjoy the shaves it brings!
Or, you could have bought one and sent it in to Mer for the upgrade.

im not trying to be a jerk - i just think you might not have exhausted all your options
Or, you could have bought one and sent it in to Mer for the upgrade.

im not trying to be a jerk - i just think you might not have exhausted all your options

Not a problem. That wouldn't gel with the impatient part of my AD. Saw it, wanted it, didn't want to wait. Got it. I've blown $35 on far less.
i can't do business there yet. Haven't been here long enough.

I hear you (that 45 day wait seems like forever) but I believe that rule only prevents you from posting WTBs and for sales... you can respond to FS or WTS (or even WTBs) ads to your heart's content. Unless I am not understanding what you are hoping to do...
I hear you (that 45 day wait seems like forever) but I believe that rule only prevents you from posting WTBs and for sales... you can respond to FS or WTS (or even WTBs) ads to your heart's content. Unless I am not understanding what you are hoping to do...

Revisited the B/S/T rules and you are absolutely correct.
Always fun to know who won the XL Mergress. I own two of 'em which were worth the wait from Lee's, and $35 over isn't a big deal IMO. Congrats! :thumbup1:
thanks Glenn - I love using a 510. not sure if the mergress will be used that often but, you know, I just gotta have one. I've been on Lee's list forever and (maybe because I'm not CONUS) I it just doesn't seem like I'm ever gonna get a new one. The Don's razor looks to be in excellent condition, I'm pretty pleased, and only $20 shipping to Oz!
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