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Wolfman WR1-OC


Use the Fat, Luke!
Does anybody have any information on OC vs. slant sides? I ordered the DC but may return it if I like one side better. What are the two sides best for?


Fussy Evil Genius
You are right on that, the Canada Post tracking number works on the USPS website. Unfortunately it says it is still sitting in Chicago.

Oh, bless your heart! Mine sat in Chicago for three weeks! I hope yours doesn't sit that long!
Does anybody have any information on OC vs. slant sides? I ordered the DC but may return it if I like one side better. What are the two sides best for?

I'm sure you meant the "SB" vs the OC. There are a few opinions/comments in this thread as well as some of the other wolfman threads out there. General consensus is that they are very close, with some people slightly prefering the SB and some slightly prefering the OC.

Speaking of all the different wolfman threads, maybe they should all be merged into one or someone should start a new thread to include all Wolfman models.
I'm sure you meant the "SB" vs the OC. There are a few opinions/comments in this thread as well as some of the other wolfman threads out there. General consensus is that they are very close, with some people slightly prefering the SB and some slightly prefering the OC.

Speaking of all the different wolfman threads, maybe they should all be merged into one or someone should start a new thread to include all Wolfman models.

Which is why you get all 3:w00t:
Does anybody have any information on OC vs. slant sides? I ordered the DC but may return it if I like one side better. What are the two sides best for?

I picked up all three heads cause I couldnt make up my mind and have used the DC one twice so far. I personally like the dual comb one as it is like getting two razors in one. I know alot of folks think it is kinda gimmicky but I dont.

First time I used it, I used the open comb on the first pass, then the closed comb (SB) side on the remaining two passes. The second time I used it, I used only the open comb for the whole shave and it worked great. Yeah, you have to rinse more often cause you can't just flip it over and use it like you can with the same comb on both sides but I dont think that is a big deal at all. Some might say you are getting a "half of a razor" but not me!

Just my 2 cents! :)
Keeping my fingers crossed, tracking says it arrived at my local processing facility in Louisville this evening. That usually means delivery will be the following day.


Fussy Evil Genius
I'd say you're all set, then. It's cleared customs and is moving along. Mine was an anomaly.
It's here! After a long wait since the start of March when I first contacted James, my Wolfman WR1-OC is finally in my hot little hand! I've just been and collected it from the depot as it's near to work, so I've obviously not tried it yet but pictures do not do it justice. I opted for the polished finish as a contrast to my brushed ATT and it is beautiful!

The standard of the workmanship is the best I've seen and that includes ATT and Tradere, it looks like jewellry and fits together perfectly. A nice finishing touch is the Wolfman logo and "WR1" engraved on the base which I've not seen before. I can't wait to try it out when I get home. :thumbup:
Congratulations to both of you!

I'm excited (as if you couldn't tell). I also have a Semogue 610 arriving to compliment my 620. It is going to be hard to resist shaving tonight because I know I will be test lathering the brush. Maybe just one pass... I feel like an addict.
I had my first shave with the WR1-OC this evening, I paired the head with an 80mm iKon bulldog, loaded it with a med prep and lathered with MWF. This was the best shave I've ever had with a razor the first time out. The angle was intuitive and the razor was very smooth and efficient giving a very comfortable yet close shave.

It's too early to decide yet, but if it lives up to the first impression this could be the one razor to rule them all.
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Here is my take or shave with just using the closed comb side of the Dual comb head. I did the same setup today as I did with the SOTD using only the open comb side! Very close match but gotta give the nob to the OC by a hair! :)

SOTD 5-20-15

PRESHAVE: Face wash with soap and warm/hot water
RAZOR: Wolfman WR1-DC Polished (dual comb) with Bamboo handle
BLADE: Astra SP (3)
SOAP: Mitchell's Wool Fat
POST: Rinse with warm/hot water to get soap off and then some cold water rinses/splashes and pat try.

Comments: Today I had a two day growth also because I wanted to have the same growth for today's shave while using the CC side only as I did on the 18th when I used the OC side only! The shave was awesome but I could feel that the Astra SP was either getting a bit duller for only day 3 with it or the CC isnt quite as efficient as the OC one but very, very close! I still managed to get a BBS but with three passes and hardly any touch up instead of the two passes and some touchup with the OC side! I only used the CC side of the Wolfman and again it was still an incredible shave! Soap was very good too as this is only the third time I used MWF! The lather, protection and feel throughout the shave and the post shave feel was so great that I didn't even use the Alum block as I feel absolutely no irritation at all and didnt get any weepers/nicks. A great shave today and the Wolfman CC side and the MWF proved to also be a great combo! All I can say is WOW, what a razor and soap!!! My hats off to Wolfman and MWF!!!

Today pic is the same as the one on 5-18-15 as my camera doesnt want to cooperate but I used the exact same setup! Just used the CC side for today's SOTD.

Please feel free to leave comments on any items us
ed as I enjoy reading them to see what others say about the gear I am using/trying out! Of course, YMMV!

I can't wait to shave tomorrow.

Nice photos! I've also been using a bulldog on mine but plan to give my Weber classic handle a go tomorrow.

Interestingly, mine has "2015" under the Wolfman etching.

Great photo's gents. Love the new Wolfman logo on the underside of the razor head. I have ordered a brass razor from James, and am looking forward to owning another WR1 razor. For me, It was the one razor to rule them all....
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