Now let me preface this post by saying I have no tattoos. In fact, for the most part, neither do my friends. I'm not hostile to them but born in 69 I'm a Gen Xer and my generation were past our "prime tattoo years" by the time the current craze really started to hit in the mid to late nineties. The craze seems to still be going strong and maybe picking up steam but I can't help wondering, as the title of the post asks, what will the next generation, say being born in the last few years, or maybe just coming online, think about tattoos?
The reason I think they may reject them is this: They're going to see them all over Mom and Dad who will be older then, probably not as svelte as when the tat was first inked and may in fact have some by-then embarassing artwork or topical phrases, or even worse band/singer names. Regardless of how hip Mom and Dad are or think they are right now their kids will not think they're hip when the kids are teens. We all know this, it's an unwritten rule of nature and I believe that they'll view tattoos as "something their parents did" and will probably want no part of them. Really, who wants to look like their parents when they are in their teens and twenties?
The reason I think they may reject them is this: They're going to see them all over Mom and Dad who will be older then, probably not as svelte as when the tat was first inked and may in fact have some by-then embarassing artwork or topical phrases, or even worse band/singer names. Regardless of how hip Mom and Dad are or think they are right now their kids will not think they're hip when the kids are teens. We all know this, it's an unwritten rule of nature and I believe that they'll view tattoos as "something their parents did" and will probably want no part of them. Really, who wants to look like their parents when they are in their teens and twenties?