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Why do you continue?

1. I shaved with an electric for 30 years and was never really happy with the results.

2. A thread about wet shaving on a wine board I frequent.

3. It may seem expensive for the first few months as you acquire way too much crap because of enablers at sites like this, but after a while you find your groove and have all you need for a long time.
1. I started, to see if I could take a flee market straight and actually get it sharp enough to shave with. I never looked back.
2. I found a pocket knife on a hike and got into honing, researching hones led me to B&B.
3. I use the money I'm saving by not buying carts an disposable razors, on things I want, like razors, hones, trips to razor meet-ups etc.
1. I got bored with cart shaving.
2. The process vs a chore of shaving.
3. It's an enjoyable hobby instead of a chore. When I get bored I can always change it up and enrich the experience.
1. Why did you start wet shaving ?

My son called me about a month ago and had received a Merkur 34 as a Groomsman gift and ask me if I knew how to use one and I had used one in the service about 35 years ago and gave up after a year but It got me thinking after I looked at the cost of the
plastics i was using so I purchased a 38C and went back

2. What drew you to wet shaving?

Cost and being somewhat nastalgic

3. If you know you are not saving money wet shaving, why do you continue?[/QU

I love all the new smells that are available
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1. Actually it was a whim when I picked up a Merkur 23c and blades at the mall then a Omega 10005 and a tub of Proraso Green at the drug store
2. Tired of carts and electrics tearing up my face
3. I know that I COULD save money but that wasn't the motivation. I now look forward to shaving every day rather than dreading shaving every 2 or 3 days.
1. Why did you start wet shaving?
Wanted a closer shave than the electrics I'd been using for about 12 years

2. What drew you to wet shaving?
Initially that it was supposed to be cheaper than carts which were what I was going to go back to from the electrics

3. If you know you are not saving money wet shaving, why do you continue?
Already a victim of HAS (hobby acquisition syndrome) I saw the appeal of having the wide variety of choice available vs. carts & generic canned goo from the grocery store. Also the fact that the shave is closer AND more comfortable than my electric shaves including the couple times I shaved wet with it (wet/dry Panasonic electric).
1. To save money and get a better shave

2. See number 1, I hated having either a crappy shave or paying $3/cart

3. I do save money, and once I settle on blade brand I will save even more.
Hello Gents,

Now I know there have been threads like this before here, but I am curious:

1. Why did you start wet shaving?

2. What drew you to wet shaving?

3. If you know you are not saving money wet shaving, why do you continue?


1) Dad said so. In 1976. Handed me his old Tech.

2) I needed to start shaving in 1976. It was not a daily chore at first, of course. It has been for a long time now.

3) I save a lot of money. I use one razor of my own that I actually bought. I have two from Dad and one from each of my grandfathers. I use one blade a week, all of 13 cents. A puck of my soap is $6 and lasts three years. I use a brush for 20 years and then retire it before it falls apart. My newest one was bought beginning of this year for $30, but the last one did go 20 years.

I know. Not typical for around here. ;)

I shave because I have to (job).

I got started into straights a little more than a decade ago, but after a year or two, got lazy and went back to carts.

I re-started wet-shaving because I got disgusted with the costs of carts.
To answer questions 1 and 2, I have been obsessed with all things vintage for a few years now and wet shaving is an extension of that. As for number 3, I was using disposable razors from dollar tree just before I started wet shaving so saving money was never a motivation. Now that I think of it, I believe the last cartridge razor I owned was a schick tracer.
1) 2) I saw a Pawn Star Micro One commercial and had a memory of my dad letting me "shave" when I was about 5 with a bladeless SuperSpeed he had. The TTO mechanism fascinated me. After trying all the latest carts and only finding a few that left my face intact, I figured "What the hell?" I have always been drawn to old fashioned things. My friends have all said that should have been around in the 50's. The money savings was the justification to take the leap.
3) At 2.50 a pop I was only getting 2-3 shaves out of my Mach 3 (my old favorite) before it got painful. I can go much longer on a Sword that cost pennies. Even with unneeded auction wins and other purchases I have spent less than $150 over 7 months ($20 SS, $20 VDH starter set, $36 for a Maggard MR9 and blade sampler, a yet to be delivered Slim and Fatboy($51 for those 2),a second SS ($16), and a $3 bottle of AV). I shave more, enjoy it more, and still would have spent a bundle on carts. That much over that time period is not bad for a hobby, and even better once you subtract what I would have spent on Mach 3 blades. As an added bonus, I can resell my extra razors and recoup some of my costs. I couldn't say that before. Now that most of my start up costs are over (I still want a badger brush, looking at a AceShaving stainless handle), it will get cheaper over time. My razors will last years, soaps are cheap and last much longer than a can of gel, blades are cheap and my current supply will last me a while. I could probably go a year without spending a penny more. Hmmm... I think I just justified that new brush ;-p
1 being able to shabe daily without irritation.
2 see 1 and low cost per shave
3 everything under control but do enjoy trying something new every now and then.
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