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Why do you continue?


"A Boy Named Sue"
To be honesty...I can get a pretty good shave with my 1982 Gillette Atra, however DE shaving has a certain flair, cool factor, personalty, history, nostalgia. When I load my old Gillette SS and swirl that lather with my brush, its like stepping into a time machine that takes me back before there where plastic razors and plastic people. You guys are far from plastic!!
It began as a pursuit of the almighty dollar.

A way to save money. Desperate to be rid of the bonds of the consumer shaving market I sought refuge elsewhere.

My first looks were full of trepidation. Various blogs pointed me to Art of Shaving where I quickly dismissed the idea of saving money form "this" type of shaving and went back to my "worth it's weight in gold" cartridge.

I stumbled upon a society. A group of gentlemen that were willing to guide, willing to show the way to those like me.

The Badger and the Blade!

I have stepped down a new path, one that is less traveled. A path that keeps me in pursuit of the ever illusive perfect shave.

This is what drives me.

I no longer want to save money. I seek the Holy Grail.

I will not settle for the adequate shave.

I seek the moment of bliss with brush in hand where the scent, the feel, the look all comes together in perfect harmony and I am rewarded with a brief moment of peace to begin the day.
1. Initially an interest in history, and getting a better shave.
2. Used a shavette for many years, stopped when started shaving my head. Got back into wet shaving after reading about it at the Art of Manliness site.
3. You do save money wet-shaving. I separate my hobby of collecting shaving history from the daily wet-shaving. At least that is what I tell myself. :blush:
To be honesty...I can get a pretty good shave with my 1982 Gillette Atra, however DE shaving has a certain flair, cool factor, personalty, history, nostalgia. When I load my old Gillette SS and swirl that lather with my brush, its like stepping into a time machine that takes me back before there where plastic razors and plastic people. You guys are far from plastic!!

That is a very good point, when I was using a cartridge razor my shaves were acceptable. DE shaving has however added a certain something, I now TRY to get real good quality shaves instead of JUST shaving.
1) My father was a barber and my grandfather was a barber. As a child I could remeber both of them having the strop hanging in the shop. I can remeber them shaving people in the shop. So when my Grandfather passed away I inherited his straight razors. I figured instead of jumping right in I should learn to wet shave first.

2) Same as above

3) I am a little OCD and the plethera of combinations for the perfect shave satisfies some deep rooted need I have to collect stuff. :lol:
Hello Gents,

Now I know there have been threads like this before here, but I am curious:

1. Why did you start wet shaving?

2. What drew you to wet shaving?

3. If you know you are not saving money wet shaving, why do you continue?

  1. Because I have a beard that grows on my face and needs to be removed daily.
  2. I tried electric razors and they were just too irritating. Wet shaving has always just been more comfortable and easier.
  3. The only reason I don't save money wet shaving is because of the hobby aspect of it. When it comes to hobbies, why do any of us spend the money on them? Because I enjoy it. Money isn't everything.

I indeed feel nostalgia, using a brush and a shaving soap in a bowl. I could be in an episode of Poirot from the 1930's. I also feel nostalgia about Trac II/Super II razors et al having been been born in the same year as the birth of the "shaving system". But it has gone beyond "Traditional". The technology used in a Feather AC razor blades, as with developments by NASA or the military now used in everyday life. The technology was developed for the medical industry, now is a Feather AC traditional or modern? All razors are equal (They may have superfluous attributes, be too expensive but that's another issue) if you have the correct technique and preparation...
1. Why did you start wet shaving?

Im a younger guy, 25, the way of my grandfather and great grandfather intrigued me. Wanted to see what the traditional ways were like (straight razor) and as well to save money on cartridges

2. What drew you to wet shaving?

The gentlemanly nature of it. there is something beautiful about all the equipment, soaps, creams, fragrances that let you feel pampered and manly haha

3. If you know you are not saving money wet shaving, why do you continue?[/QUOTE]

history... I love picking up products (especially vintage straight razors) and researching them...acquiring things that are rare and not many people have.

plus its fun
1. Out of general curiosity and the high cost of carts

2. Internet research

3. I'm definitely not saving money, but I continue because I enjoy it and my face has never felt better.
Hello Gents,

Now I know there have been threads like this before here, but I am curious:

1. Why did you start wet shaving?

2. What drew you to wet shaving?

3. If you know you are not saving money wet shaving, why do you continue?

I started wet shaving because mainstream shaving products were killing my skin, drying it out, giving me rash, bumps, etc.

I think that the camaraderie drew me to wet shaving, along with the traditional way of doing things.

If I knew I was not saving money, I would stop. Luckily, I have the discipline to prioritize everything and not binge shop for shaving supplies. Thanks.
Simple, I have an extreme/addictive personality and you are all enablers! Oh, and I love the feeling on my face after, the smells (soaps/creams/aftershaves), & the outstanding pieces of craftsmanship (razors/brushes). Why else?
1. The idea to slow down and give myself a quality shave
2. The cool DE razor that everybody who was somebody in the 20th century shaved with.
3. While overall, no money may be saved, the money is better spent on oils, soaps, creams and ASBs rahter than cartridges.
1. I started DE shaving to save money.

2. I'm attracted to all shiny things.

3. I was suddenly getting the best shaves of my life with no razor burn. The nostalgia was part of it, and the variety of products was a plus. Mostly it was just the better shaves, though. If I twist the math a bit I can prove that I am saving money, so that's a plus.
I was wet shaving with my Braun 799cc, and very comfortably; about a 10 minute shave. But not as close. Or as long-lasting a shave. My DE shave takes four times as long. It leaves my face more irritated. It has more than a slight risk of personal injury, each and every morning. It produces three times the mess on my bathroom counter. But I persist. I have wonderfully scented lotions, soaps, balms, pre-shaves, post-shaves, lubricants, and creams (which could, actually, be used with my wet electric). But I have precision-made, beautiful tools requiring consummate skills and superb motor control to successfully achieve the perfect, baby-bottom smooth face, rivaling or exceeding the professional barber shave of my youth. Like winning Olympic gold. Or the jackpot on the slots. Come to think of it, maybe DE shaving is like gambling - will this be the "perfect shave" morning? Will I hit the numbers and not have a single nick? Will I cut off my ear? None of which used to concern me in my boring wet electric days; I could shave half asleep. Morning's are so much more exciting now, and I leave home feeling like the gazelle that escaped the lion pride - fresh, invigorated, and ready to face the day. Or not, depending....
1. Why did you start wet shaving?
2. What drew you to wet shaving?
3. If you know you are not saving money wet shaving, why do you continue?

1. To save money. Discovered from Mantic and Geo youtube video's that my technique was always poor and that shaving could be fun. I only ever did a 1 pass WTG shave with Carts and goo before.

2. Inadvertently discovering that DE blades were still available and cheap when I was searching for cheaper carts on Ebay.

3. In the long term, I am going to save money and will always have a higher quality shave using higher quality product
1. To save money because I was tired of the cost of disposable carts and never liked electrics. And it seemed to me Gillette cheapened old blades (like Mach III) to encourage people to trade up to the new systems.
2. The old time feel of it. I also found a watch I wind by hand and a fountain pen. It's my way of backing away from the nonstop world we live in today.
3. DE shaving is a hobby, and I fin dip the whole wet shave process to be quite enjoyable and relaxing.
1) If you're gonna do something, do it right.
2) I saw an article in Readers Digest in 2006-7 about Wet Shaving
3) See #1
I started reading this thread intending to answer the three questions, but having read it, I am not. Every post here is a great answer.

i will say this from my perspective: wet shaving with a DE safety razor is a simple adventure, that is indulgent, and leaves me feeling that I am responsible for the outcome. I like that.
Because I never shaved in another way ... why would I want to change?

I like trying different types of razors and blades, but I have no desire to change to a modern cartridge razor, or an electric.

If it was good enough for my dad, then it is good enough for me lol.
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