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Some help with understanding open comb plates (for my Yates 921)

Hi - this forum really helped me several months ago when I was trying to decide on moving from a Rockwell 6S to the Yates 921 (which I did) and the responses were extremely helpful. So I’m back with something else that I’m trying to figure out: to get an open comb plate or not.

Right now I have the 921 with the M and the H plates and I typically shave every 3-4 days (sometimes 2 sometimes 5) using Accuforge blades and either one of those plates (the H plate more though).

I have been debating about trying an open comb and am trying to figure out the following:

1) is this something that pushes up aggressiveness or just makes tackling a little more growth easier without the clogging? I can’t find a consistent answer on this. So would this effectively make the 921-M closer to the 921-H plate in terms of efficiency?
2) If I decide to go with an open comb, should I get a hybrid with one side a scallop and the other side open comb, or just straight open comb on both sides. I usually do 2 pass shaves maybe with some touch-ups after that. Can you use the open comb for all the passes or is it really meant just for the first pass with the most growth? I can’t never see anything written about this.
3) Any thoughts on the 921M plate vs 921H plate if I go the open comb route (regardless of whether a hybrid or just double open comb makes the most sense? I can tell the 921H is definitely a bit more aggressive vs. the M but I’ve been fine with that.

Hi Mike! I can’t speak too much about this because I’m still new and don’t have a Yates OC. However, I am curious to see what happens and what you end up doing. I have the Yates 921, Merica, & Winning but not an open comb. I recently got my first open comb from @DHowz for the Timeless .68 and it’s a beauty. I will say that it wouldn’t be my (ymmv) personal daily driver but definitely a great option for 2+ days of growth. I have done pretty good with it but really honed in on zero pressure and going slow. Anyways, I can’t wait to see what you do and your review of the OC. Good luck.
Thanks for the reply @Jaybyrd. I shave after 3-4 days 90% of the time. Quick question for you. Do you use it for every pass, or is your OC a hybrid where you just use it for the first pass and then use the straight bar after that? That’s what I’m trying to figure out. I like the Yates H plate maybe a little more than the M, but am not sure if having an H geometry with the OC will be too much, or if getting the M with it would basically be what I get with my normal H plate with the scallops.

No problem bud! I will say that when I use the OC I have just stuck with that for my entire shave. Some folks change their head (on a Rockwell) progressively lower numbers for each pass or with a vintage Gillette adjustable some people dial it down as they go through their shave. I personally haven’t done that and stick with whatever cap or setting I’m on. Again, I am still fairly new so it doesn’t mean I won’t try that someday but I just haven’t done that.
I have seen examples of people getting a scalloped side or SB side and an OC side which could give you the best of both worlds.
For me personally (ymmv) if I go 3-4 days I’m pulling out the OC or something very efficient because I have pretty course hair that grows fairly quickly.
Hope that helps a bit.
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