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Who can name movies or TV shows that have shaving scenes.

Loved them growing up

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Maybe this has been said already: In the movie Memphis Belle, a crew member shaves with a DE before the mission.
Is there but great hunt anyway


  • Ma and Pa Kettle (1949) Pa Kettle straight razor shaves.
  • Man with the Golden Arm (1955) Frankie asks Molly if she has a razor and she gets him one from the kitchen bag--[p 91]
  • Man With Two Brains" (1983) Dolores is shaved to prepare her for the operation.
  • Mansome (2013) Justin Bateman produced docu about men grooming. Many shave related scenes.--[p 118]
  • Man Who Wasn't There the (2001) Billy Bob Thornton shaves Frances McDormand's legs with DE--[p 98].
  • Man about the House (1974) Robbin shaves with DE. [p 130]
  • Man with Iron Fists, The (2013) Iron Fists/black smith shaving his head with straight [p132]
  • Masked and Anonymous (2003) Bob Dylan shaves with a straight razor.
  • Margin Call (2011) Simon Baker (Jared) shaves with a Fusion Razor--[p 130]
  • Marriage Circle the [1924] ; De shave scene [p157]
  • Maverick (1994) James Garner is shaving with a straight in the tub.
  • Melt with you [2012] Tim is shaving with a disposable--[p 75]
  • Memphis Belle (1990) Solderi shaving with mirror--[p 48]
Was Burton he or a she, Rebecca face says it all.

View attachment 663190

Some memorable scenes with Hood versus Chayton in tonight's walloping episode 3.8 ofBanshee - memorable, to say the least - but the scene that most provokes is what Rebecca found with Burton, when she tried to seduce him, and put her hand down his pants.

As is so often the case with Rebecca, the expression on her face tells much of the story. In this case, it was one of, well, horror may be too strong a word, but is in the right vicinity. She certainly didn't find what she expected, and what she found was ... well, more than enough for her stop the seduction.

My first thought was that maybe Burton is a woman, but that doesn't seem quite right, either. What happened to him in prison - in another strong scene in which Proctor discovers him - is likely the source of the answer. And, not to be too graphic about it, but likely something was badly maimed, or worse. Leave it to Banshee to bring us down this path, as we struggle to learn the origin of this charismatic character.

I've found a couple of scenes with shaving but I"m at a loss on how to clip the little bit out and post it.

I suppose I could do a screen shot but I'd like to learn to add short clips to my posts.

Are you clippers using a special bit of software or just magic?

I've found a couple of scenes with shaving but I"m at a loss on how to clip the little bit out and post it.

I suppose I could do a screen shot but I'd like to learn to add short clips to my posts.

Are you clippers using a special bit of software or just magic?


I'd like to have some of that magic too!

Watching the Netflix original Bloodline. Has a shot of Sam Shepards sink. Has a closeup of a stand with a brush and Merkur Progress. Great show btw. I'm still in the middle of the first season
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