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Which version of Cella soap?

So, lets say I wanted to get some, and my option was to pay $8 for 125g of the brick version or 150g of the red tub version...which should I get? I've heard there are differences, but only in the scent. It will have to be one of these. I received a sample of the brick version today, and it smells so good and lathered nicely. I haven't used it but I can very easily tell I will LOVE this. The scent is fantastic (reminds me at first of Laffy Taffy). I look forward to the responses :)
Hey Zack - you'll want to check out the 125mL tub version because the tub it comes in is PERFECT for lathering Italian soft soaps.

I don't mind loading from the 150g standard Cella / La Famiglia tubs, but many complain they're too small for proper loading.

Enjoy either way!
Hey Zack - you'll want to check out the 125mL tub version because the tub it comes in is PERFECT for lathering Italian soft soaps.

I don't mind loading from the 150g standard Cella / La Famiglia tubs, but many complain they're too small for proper loading.

Enjoy either way!

I will keep that in mind, thank you!
I have only used the small red tub. I like the scent a lot but I can see where people have issues with the size. It is very narrow and lather tends to pour over the sides. No big neal but can be a little messy.
The other part is it's $1 more for a little more, too...hm. Seems like opinions differ if it's different. That may be another reason to get that one (as I have a sample of the brick version). Thanks for the help so far guys!


The Lather Maestro
Boy, I'm glad I found this thread! I did not know Italian Barber repackaged the larger block in smaller sizes! That's perfect, because getting the big block makes very little sense unless you only use Cella 365 days a year. The scent dissipates, and several threads have talked about it going bad (although after a very long time). Getting a reasonable chunk in one of Joe's larger bowls is PERFECT. I just never saw that until now.



P.S. Do not do the math on savings by getting the larger block, it will only frustrate you. Getting the large block is like getting 8, yes, that's EIGHT, tubs of soap. There is no way any shaver is going to go through that in a rotation in any reasonable period of time, and I would not doubt they would end up tossing half of it. This repackaged deal is sheer genius. Joe does it again!
I just worked out a trade and I will be getting some Cella in the red tub. As I already have a good sample of the brick version, I will be able to test and see if I favor one over the other. All I know, is I love the scent. Something about that scent.
Boy, I'm glad I found this thread! I did not know Italian Barber repackaged the larger block in smaller sizes! That's perfect, because getting the big block makes very little sense unless you only use Cella 365 days a year. The scent dissipates, and several threads have talked about it going bad (although after a very long time). Getting a reasonable chunk in one of Joe's larger bowls is PERFECT. I just never saw that until now.



P.S. Do not do the math on savings by getting the larger block, it will only frustrate you. Getting the large block is like getting 8, yes, that's EIGHT, tubs of soap. There is no way any shaver is going to go through that in a rotation in any reasonable period of time, and I would not doubt they would end up tossing half of it. This repackaged deal is sheer genius. Joe does it again!

If I had known they were now putting it into those style tubs i would have gotten that.

Another vote for "the red tub is TOO SMALL!"
keep in mind you can always take it out of the red tub and put into another container :) and agreed on the Kilo brick, makes sense if youa re a 1-2 soap only kinda shaver, or if you like PIFing samples to friends... otherwise you are better off with either the red tub or Joe's larger white containers w the 125g blocks :)

and as mentioned in my PM, I don't think there is any formula difference between the two, I suspect any perceived differences are a result of one being 'aged at warehouse/retailers in a tub, and the brick being stored in plastic wrap/cardboard box.

PS Zack - your PM inbox is filled.
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