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Which cartridge razor/disposable razor did you use today and how many shaves?

EJ Mach3
Mach3 Gillette Cartridge
EJ Mach3.jpeg
I've been reading this thread with great interest. Seems you guys are getting great shaves from all sorts of disposable and cartridge razors.

I don't want to derail this thread but was wondering what makes you choose these types of razors over more 'traditional' options like a DE or straight razor?

(ps I found an unopened 5-packnof Gillette Blue II disposables in my travel bag that I will try in honour of this thread 🙂)
I apologize for a late reply. Since no one answered I will give my perspective. I love them. Some of these are my favorite razors and I have been using DE razor since I was 15 years old and started shaving. I'm 29 now. I like to explore shaving isles and try some new foam as much as someone else likes to buy new cherry scented soap. To this day my favorite blade and shaving equipment is Gillette platinum but lidl's razor is my second one.
Bic Hybrid 4

As normally a DE/SE shaver, with an R41 many times being my 'go-to' razor, these things give a great shave when used with an actual soap & brush. (Stirling Iced-Coffee and a 30mm Tuxedo this morning).
Used the Bic Hybrid 4 Tues, Weds, Thurs, and Fri (today), testing for our trip later this year. That makes 5 or 6 shaves total on the blade, and have to admit it gives a really nice shave when used with traditional lathering of a good soap. - Also doesn't clog as much as the free Gillette I had from their mailing promo years ago. (I believe it was a Fusion, not sure if Pro-Glide or not, but whatever it was seemed prone to clogging).
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