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What’s your favourite men’s underarm deodorant?

I'm an Old Spice guy. But I don't use antiperspirants. I don't work up much of a sweat anymore. :lol1:
And I don't want aluminum in my system. I've got enough other bad chemicals at work.
Mystic Water is decent stuff. Currently finishing off a stick of Schmitts Sandalwood Bergamot and their deodorant works the best as far as store bought goes. Plus they have a program where if you send in X amount of empty glass jars they will send you a full jar. Pretty cool that they offer that service for loyal customers.
Old Spice original. Comes in oval packaging now but says right on the label “original round stick formula”. This stuff works. No aluminum, no stink. Just straight out effective deodorant. Look for it to get discontinued. It’s already off their website. I bought a closet full just in case. This is truly the only deodorant that works now that silver oxide Degree got discontinued.
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