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Favourite straight razor

This is Not a what did you use today type thread,but a thread for members to show their favourite straight razor from their collection/rotation,i've recently discovered from my rotation that i have a particular 2 that i find i like best above all others,so what is your favourite from all of your straights...these are mines⬇️⬇️⬇️
my 2 Red Imps👍🏽
My taste has totally changed since I started. In the beginning I was always chasing shiny steel, big names and exotic scales. These days I prefer the simple life with one of my rescue Bengalls. They shave great and after saving them from a fate of certain slow decay I don’t feel bad about using them and putting a little bit of wear on them.



OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
My taste has totally changed since I started. In the beginning I was always chasing shiny steel, big names and exotic scales. These days I prefer the simple life with one of my rescue Bengalls. They shave great and after saving them from a fate of certain slow decay I don’t feel bad about using them and putting a little bit of wear on them.

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You can have the best of both worlds. My go to for now are pre worn Bengalls with exotic scales. But the same reasons. My regular razor is used for testing hones all the time, so if the blade gets worn out I'll just save the scales and swap in an identical blade, and carry on my merry way.

Good question but I find it difficult to answer. I have a seven day box in my bathroom which contains my favorite shavers but the razors in this box are constantly changing. I also have favorite razors that I never shave with as they are mint or have great sentimental value.
What an interesting obsession we have. !!!
I don't really use traditional straights anymore. They just don't get/stay sharp enough regardless of how much I strop, and honing after every three shaves got old fast. When I want to use a straight today, I use a feather artist club. Usually SS.

When I was using traditional straights, I had a liking towards my Torrey, despite it not being my nicest razor.
I am dreaming of a hybrid that could be my absolute favorite razor with:
Iwasaki heat treatment
Tanifuji finishing
Steel from any Heljestrand or Hellberg
Grinding extra hollow ,from a Solingen master (Koch&Schafer is ok with me)
Spine decorated in Sheffield
Spanish box and stamps
and ….with a French point:)
All beautiful straights. I'm trying to understand the different shapes why some flat some concave. Does it have to do with how it's placed on the face to get correct angle to cut?
I can't choose an absolute number one favorite. I tend to think in terms of tiers. I have about five that would be in my top tier. The other 14 are tier two. I shave with all of them, some more than others.
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