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What would (or does) keep you from buying more DE razors?

What would (or does) you keep from buying more DE razors?

  • Nothing will keep me rom buying more DE razors

  • My SWMBO

  • Medical RAD treatment

  • Switching to electric mowers

  • I own one razor and can not see why I should have a second one

  • Other reasons or circumstances

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Choose your most important reason if more than one applies for you.

Feel free to comment your choice and/or add more good or bad reasons why not to get another one, respectively why one should not want to not get another one. :biggrin1:
My current razor count is nine. Right now I am satisfied with what I have and am not actively looking for another.
I have a travel razor (Feather Popular), and an at home razor (Gillette Rocket).

Of course, I'd like to try an adjustable razor too, or an injector ... but being the father of two teenage kids, I think there are better ways to spend my money (like school tuition, and study books) than blowing it on shaving equipment.


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
I discovered which razors gives me the smoothest, more irritation free shaves I have ever had.
I have no reason to shave with anything else.
Merkur 37c
2011 R41 Grande

I have 2 of each
I found the one that works? I still might try others if found at a really good deal, but finding one that makes me happy makes all the difference.
I had RAD bad the first couple of months, but everything that I bought was a SuperSpeed variant. The shaves were so close to the same that I just lost interest in getting another dozen razors.
I currently have 25 DE and SE razors and have come to realize that I am not using them enough. In fact, there are times when I forget what some of the razors shave like. So, I have made the decision that before I buy another razor I must sell or otherwise dispose of one.
I currently have 25 DE and SE razors and have come to realize that I am not using them enough. In fact, there are times when I forget what some of the razors shave like. So, I have made the decision that before I buy another razor I must sell or otherwise dispose of one.

I had the same with fountain pens. Now my rule is, before a new one gets in, another one must go out.

I'm now back at 20 quality pens that I actually use. (from over 50 pens)
I have 7 vintage gillettes and a Merkur 34C. Im only 3 months into my DE shaving experience. 8 razors is more than enough for me right now. My next purchase will most likely be a Mergress or a Slant. But that wont be for a few months at least.
I have been back at vintage shaving for 8 months. My goal in year 1 was to find my ideal shave products. I have gone through several razors but I have a good selection in my rotation right now (6) and three get the most use.

There are 2 extant razors I want to get - NEW long comb (I have the NEW short comb and like it a lot) and the TTO OC Aristocrat. I have a Senator and Sheraton and want to round out the Gillette TTO OC collection. While the Sheraton is still on the way, the Senator can't be beat. It is tied with my Merkur 38HD C for providing the best shaves.

Once I get those 2 razors, I would consider my den complete - except for when Stan comes out with the ATT OC. But seriously, I have several razors that provide a BBS and a couple that are simply outstanding. I have achieved my goal of finding what works for me, so I am really about done buying razors. Time to harvest those savings we all tout. :001_smile
Each razor I acquire seems to be more 'aggressive' than the previous.

Example: Gillette SS > Gillette Red Tip > Gillette FB > Merkur 39c > Mühle r41 (2011)...
Not sure if a Fatip or Joris or Cobra would be next...:001_tongu
I only want one. I currently (as of yesterday) have two because I've decided that my razor was not getting the job done. I may invest in a third to try out some options. In the end...there will be ONE.
Back to DE shaving after 44 years away...what was I thinking? LOL. Current razor count at 2 after a month. Constantly looking at Gillette vintage items. Also want to to try some better modern styles. The cheap China DE isn't bad though, just not very substantial.
I have 4 and I occasionally trade or sell one for another, but I am pretty happy with what i have. I don't really collect and the ones i have tried are not so vastly different that I think there is a need to have every variation.
That's what some people thought 10 years ago, Now those that bought these Vintage items have Flipped some of there Items as high as 10x's what that paid for it. So this investment for some has helped them in the long run with maybe even there kids Tuition and more :eek:)

It's not a bad hobby if you look at it that way.

I have a travel razor (Feather Popular), and an at home razor (Gillette Rocket).

Of course, I'd like to try an adjustable razor too, or an injector ... but being the father of two teenage kids, I think there are better ways to spend my money (like school tuition, and study books) than blowing it on shaving equipment.
I've got to say.... $$$$$$$$.

It's not that I truly can't afford more razors, per say, but I just can't justify it based on what I earn, etc. Now if I were to win the lottery!!!!! what's that I hear? Fatboy? Bostonion? :thumbup:

- Badger Bill
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