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What straight did you use today? Now with PICTURES

Wacker 6/8 Best Tradition

Great picture as always, and great setup.

Now tell me ( and lie to me, since I can't get it), is the La Toya Manantiales as good as everyone says it is?

No, it is an awful soap. It can't create a decent lather, there is no protection and the blade is continuous caught on the skin as there is no glide whatsoever (how's that for a big lie :biggrin1:)

But to be honest; The soap is actually just as great as everyone say, it is very nice.
You can still get it though, only it is in stick form, but the shave stick is the same as this wood bowl version. I have checked as thorough as I possible can, and the ingredients lists are the same, the scents are the same, the hard/softness of the soaps are the same and the performance is the same in any way possible to measure.
I think the reason they stopped producing the wooden bowl version was because demand increased in a way that they couldn't meet. As I recall the wooden bowl was originally only available in Spain, La Toja wouldn't ship outside Spain from their web page.
But to me the stick is exactly the same soap as the one in the wooden bowl.

Bulldog Face Wash
Meißner Tremonia Strong & Scottish Rasierpaste
Ever Ready 500BN w/Muhle Silvertip Fibre
Yamamasa 山正 (42x15)
Hot Rinse, Cold Rinse & Alum Wash
Witch Hazel Toner
Novaya Zarya Russian Forest Aftershave Cologne
Ted Lapidus Pour Homme EDT
Al Afdal Wild Forest Musk Attar (Wrists)

Face Lathered
Two Pass - WTG & ATG
6/8 DD
homemade synthetic/knot unknown

I think I remember which knot this is because I tried to give it as much legs (loft) as I could. I find this knot to feel a bit like a very soft tennis ball and this o.k. to a point but IMO, it needs to break and open on the face. It's a little reluctant to give it up but we'll see if a little abuse will take care of it. Very close shave this morning but not the most comfortable. Have a good one.
The only thing that's harder than the steel in this razor is how hard it is to hone, buy once you get it there a touch light like the touch of a falling leave in the autumn is all that it takes to remove every greying hair from my middle aged face and leave it just as smooth as it was many years ago when the future still was endless and girls just were annoying and strange. ... Well some things never change..[emoji6]
Heljestrand no 16. If you're looking for one make sure that it isn't honed down. These razors are fragile.
I'm glad that you got rid of the oxidation. I wouldn't mind having one, but like you getting it as a gift from a close friend must make it very special. A very nice razor indeed.[emoji106]

Yep, this one is staying with me forever :) I was lucky to catch the oxidation so soon. I stopped using all the cardboard cases I had just to make sure it never happened again!
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