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What Operating System(s) Are You Running?

Mac OSX for 99.9% of everything and Windows 7 for Quickbooks.

If there is anything more polarizing in the western world than politics and religion...it's what OS you use on your phone :)

That is because the part of the brain that is used to think about or argue religion and politics is the same that is used for OS choices. There was an article about that a while ago and why OS choice is so heated.
It's amazing how civilized everyone here is when writing about their OS; families have broken apart for less. Cool.

Oh...I'm using OSX 9.4, and IOS something or another. I remember OS 5. Those were the days - when none of the systems were very good.
Still happily running Arch since I started this thread, decided to sell the iMac and build a desktop for around half of what I got for it about 6 months ago. It has taken a while to get things the way I want them but it's been nice to slowly build up a system I like, and to some degree understand, over time.

Win 8 64 bit with classic shell
Win 7 32 & 64 bit versions
Win XP 32 bit (development support box - got done stuff that won't run in 7 or 8)
Linux Mint cinnamon ver 14, 16 and probably other versions ( I use this a lot but usually just load the latest version and only upgrade when a new LTD comes around - I'm due to make some upgrades as thus just happened)
Linux Mint XFce 16
Ubuntu (I forget version - quantal I think)
Alt-f (Debian squeeze based Linux compiled to run on an ARM based NAS)
iOS 5,6 & 7+
Android jellybean, gingerbread, and ice cream sandwich.

Typing the list makes me realize just how many different computers/devices I have. Might be time to cull the heard soon to make room for new shave gear :)
Using Windows 8.1 on my laptop and loving it. Not a computer geek. I install my own programs and so far have been able to fix anything that went wrong myself. I do not have data on my phone, just started texting last year. I am not in that much of a hurry, probably from my horse and buggy days.
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