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What Operating System(s) Are You Running?

Windows 7 on my desktop and laptop, I have a box running FreeNAS (FreeBSD derivative) and my HTPC running a very minimal Ubuntu 13.04 with XBMC. My phone is a Nexus 4, so the latest Android. I plan to install Windows 8.1 when it's released on my desktop and laptop, unless the *buntu betas impress me. As general operating systems most Linux distributions are fine, but they're lacking in screen magnification. Most desktop environments have it, but none have satisfactory focus tracking (or any at all), which makes it unusable as a productive environment. Microsoft really took a leap with the magnifier application in Windows 7, for my needs it is on par with specialized accessibility applications, where in XP/Vista it was "bearable".
Win 8

Win 7

Droid 4.3

Windows 8 with classic shell is pretty smooth and very speedy. I'm impressed and sorry I waited so long to upgrade an old Win 7 install to Win 8.

I'm looking forward to the Win 8 update in October.
Linux Mint Debian edition, Crunchbang Linux, Peppermint Linux, Win 7, Mac os10.something.

The Windows I only use for Sopcast and the like.
windows 7 and xp at work, Linux mint on the desktop and openbox on the dinosaur of the laptop that came out before the turn of the century. Every time I reboot windows, I am reminded why I love my linux so much.
XP Pro SP3. Better than any of its predecessors and rock solid. Upgraded my 5 year old PC from 2 to 4 GB of RAM and it hums along nicely.
At home I run the latest KUbuntu. I just had a new box built with a quad core amd running at 4.2 ghz. This thing screams.

I have to put up with Win7 at work.
XP Pro SP3. Better than any of its predecessors and rock solid. Upgraded my 5 year old PC from 2 to 4 GB of RAM and it hums along nicely.

I was in the same boat until the machine crashed last week.
Using Win-7 at work, I'm really growing to like Win-8 with the ClassicShell mod.

But I would recommend moving up from XP soon. MS is dropping support next year, and the script kiddies are storing up any new exploits that they find, intending to unleash them after MS stops sending security updates.
XP will be wide open for attack before the end of next year.
Windows 7 at home, Linux and Windows 7 at work. Never cared for the Mac OS. It always felt like it was a limited OS unless you're doing graphical work. Not a fan of Windows 8, will probably just skip 8 for when 9 comes out.
Laptop 1: Windows 8.1
Laptop 2: Latest Ubuntu
Laptop 3: Fedora, though I think it was too much for my creaky old laptop to handle
Netbook: Some bastardized version of Chromium
Nexus 7: Latest Android
Nokia Lumia 920: 8.1 Developers Edition
iPhone 5c: iOS 7
Blackberry Z10: OS 10.1.xx

I like variety.
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