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What next for a dedicated Tabac lover and noob?

I've used Omega/Proraso Shaving Cream and Godrej Rich Foam. Comparing these two I had a strong preference for the Omega/Prosaso. The Godrej gave me redness and irritation, and I'm not sure if its the lanolin (which might be synthetic and causes irritation for some unlike natural lanolin).

When I first tried Tabac I became an instant convert! Amazing lather! Thick, creamy, dense and rich - just what lather is supposed to be. It's also very protective and moisturising! All hail Tallow! It really is so sad that Tallow based soaps are slowly disappearing from the face of the earth :thumbdown

I've read the Tallow compendium by Jim here at B&B and its stated that the AOS soaps are fine start. However a recent look at the AOS site states that their soaps are now glycerin and coconut oil based! The horror!

So right now as far as tallow based soaps are concerned this is what I'm looking at:

- D R Harris Almond SS - now a Tallow and Palm Oil combi :angry:
- MWF (concerned about the lanolin reaction with my skin, but since its natural it shouldn't be a problem yeah?)
- Valobra/Cella/Spieck also look like interesting options tho not triple milled.

Any other SS I should be looking into chaps?
The AOS website is wrong. They are indeed tallow based still. Valobra actually makes AOS, so if scent is not huge for you, you can save some bucks and get valobra.

I would highly recommend Valobra, MWF, and Cella. I would probably not need anymore shaving soap if all I had was these three.

While I like Tabac, I greatly enjoy these 3 more.
If you like Tabac try Irisch Moos, same great lather but a very different scent.

+1 on the Valobra shave stick, it is great and I believe it is triple milled.

Speick stick is another great choice, the lather is very slick and the scent is sublime.
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Any other SS I should be looking into chaps?
Yeah, you should let go of the tallow fetish and simply give all soaps a try. No, I'm not kidding. You mentioned the usual suspects and others added to these, and they're fine choices. But you owe it to yourself to give the French veggies (Institut Karité, Provence Santé, Pré de Provence, Cade) a go too. If money is truly no object, then you can add Martin de Candre to the list as well. And there were a few shea butter-based products from the US as well, but I never seem able to remember those.
you really owe it to yourself to try one of the french veggie soaps. provence sante, cade, institute karite, martin de candre...take your pick.

they're great soaps despite not being tallow and with the exception of MdC are very affordable


Antique Hoosier

Arko Shave Stick.... I recently tried it for the first time after close to 4 years in this "hobby".... It really surprised me in a good way.
Thanks for all the replies gents! Ah the French veggies! Are the SS versions also called castille or marseille soaps? Was looking into the bath soap versions when I wanted Yo switch to a quality bath bar for body and face. I heard they're good for gents with oily skin which I believe I have. Might shoot for a bar of Cade since their stores are all over the place!

I'm certainly glad that AOS is still tallow based despite
their Corp literature :) I certainly didn't know that Valobra
made their soaps. In any case I'll be picking up som Cade and Valobra some time soon.

I've got a question about MWF though. After my bad
experience with Godrej Rich Foam with the redness burn
and itch does it mean I'm sensitive to lanolin?

I did some reading an apparently some people are not sensitive to lanolin per se but to the free alcohol content in lanolin as well as the detergents and pesticides found in lanolin. If the free alcohol content is low enough and the lanolin has been purified to a sufficient degree like medical grade lanolin reactions are almost non existent.

Does anyone know about the type of lanolin used in MWF?
Are the SS versions also called castille or marseille soaps?
Not to my knowledge (which isn't saying much). Those are usually handsoaps, and the shaving soaps have never been advertised as 'Castille' or 'Marseille' products.

I've got a question about MWF though. After my bad experience with Godrej Rich Foam with the redness burn and itch does it mean I'm sensitive to lanolin?
Impossible to say based on a one-time experience.

Does anyone know about the type of lanolin used in MWF?
No, you'd have to write the manufacturer. I doubt they use medical grade lanolin though: that stuff's expensive.
I just tried the Speick products and they are amazing. The shaving cream gave me the best and easiest lather I have ever had......even better than Tabac.

Give them a shot, you won't be disapointed. :thumbup:
Like you I love Tabac, and based on this I just ordered an Irisch Moose, really looking forward to try it.
Another one I think is great is Cade it should just had a little more scent to it.
Speick, their ASL is great too.
Palmolive, another superb soap.
La Toja, fantastic non tallow soap.
Wilkinson sword - this has lanolin though. Fantastic lather & scent.
Arko, another superb soap. The scent, like Tabac is love or hate, I love it.

Artisnal soaps
Prairie Creations - Superb stuff
Nannysillysoaps - Wow
Henks soaps - Oh yeah
That's 'Moos', German for 'moss'; not 'Moose', the even-toed ungulate, that would be 'Elch' in German :).

I know, I know. Atleast you guys got a good laugh:biggrin1:
I like the moose though, but I guess we have enough of them here in Norway, wouldn't need to import one from Irland. Unless they come in some nice colours like green or purple.
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