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What is your greatest score ever?

After completing my latest restoration project (which has turned out to be the greatest bargain of my entire collection), I couldn't help but wonder about other people's great scores. Out of all the razors, brushes, or what have you, what is the absolute best deal you've ever gotten on a shaving related product?

Here's mine:

Purchased for $10 at an antique store. Restored with $20 worth of sandpaper, a little oil, a short length of brass rod, and a lot of elbow grease. Now worth easily ten to thirty times the initial purchase price.

Please share yours!


System Generated
Near Mint Red Ring Eclipse $15 local...I had to get a small repair on the handle, but the razor was only $15

Blue Tip Rocket Near Mint $10 local
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I got a Darwin Deluxe in the case for 35 bucks at a local antique store. It is worth about 10 times what I paid for it.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
Ive had a great deal of scores. The one that sticks in my mind the most was my first Livi razor. I was selected for the group buy on SRP. At that time, the price of a custom was outrageous to me, and i would never buy one. THis was the only way that I would be able to afford one.

That being said, I succumbed to the custom bug..haha. But that first razor will always be quite the highlight. The second highlight was picking up my B&B Zowada LE off the BST.
I got a Darwin Deluxe in the case for 35 bucks at a local antique store. It is worth about 10 times what I paid for it.

And a number of us would gladly help make that profit a reality for you :thumbup:

As to Op's question, I think my best shave-related deal is probably the $45 contribution I spend here to get access to all this knowledge (and, of course, stuff!)
I bought a Double Ring at an Antique Mall for $4.00 and then promptly sold it like a dimwit.

Karma hit me too. It only sold for $58.00 or so.

If I had known then what I know now.... I didn't need $58.00 and I would really cherish that Double Ring in my collection now. At the time I was just in the beginnings of DE shaving and only had a toe in the water of collecting.
Okay, I have to ask... Where on Earth are you guys finding $1 and $4 coticules? You're making me green with envy.
Yeah, my only good score was an Old Spice shave mug and never used soap my lady found door $4 recently. I am happy to say I am the first one to use this soap in at least 25 years. It is a great performing soap, wish the scent was still there though.
Ahh this makes me so mad.....
I never have any of this luck. I went to a ton of antique stores in the last couple of weeks and found absolutely nothing. One of them was asking $50 for a valet auto strop..... i need to go looking for stuff in your neck of the woods.
Ahh this makes me so mad.....
I never have any of this luck. I went to a ton of antique stores in the last couple of weeks and found absolutely nothing. One of them was asking $50 for a valet auto strop..... i need to go looking for stuff in your neck of the woods.

If you're looking in LA, you may want to look in places a bit more rural. I'm sure that most antique stores in high-traffic areas are picked clean regularly. I'm also sure that the proprietors of those stores typically know what they've got and ask high retail for them. I'd recommend checking flea markets if you have any around you too.
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