After completing my latest restoration project (which has turned out to be the greatest bargain of my entire collection), I couldn't help but wonder about other people's great scores. Out of all the razors, brushes, or what have you, what is the absolute best deal you've ever gotten on a shaving related product?
Here's mine:

Purchased for $10 at an antique store. Restored with $20 worth of sandpaper, a little oil, a short length of brass rod, and a lot of elbow grease. Now worth easily ten to thirty times the initial purchase price.
Please share yours!
Here's mine:

Purchased for $10 at an antique store. Restored with $20 worth of sandpaper, a little oil, a short length of brass rod, and a lot of elbow grease. Now worth easily ten to thirty times the initial purchase price.
Please share yours!